2022 World Series of Poker - Commonwealth goes on a heater

But that’s exactly what we did going from a regular ante to a BB ante. Antes used to be 8% to 16% of the BB. So 6 handed you’d be looking at total antes of 48% to 96% of the BB, 3 handed it would be 24% to 48%, and HU it would be 16% to 32%.

My system would be on the low end of the old range 6 handed, at the high end 4 handed, at the low end 3 handed, and in the middle heads up.

I mean during the event not to radically change the rules like that

the BB ante made sense to speed up the game, not really a consideration headsup

I think what you describe is pretty wild difference per players remaining and way too confusing for any tv viewing to ever happen

Holy crap, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tank beyond 6 or 7 minutes. 18 minutes lol wow. I mean what changes in your thought process from minute 5 to minute 18?

this is one of those things that pretty much only happen because there’s 10 million dollars sitting next to them

and we’re gonna get another tank right here

yeah yeah yeah. I hate tournament poker

Anyone who spends more than 4 minutes on any poker decision ever is an idiot. Full stop.

99% of decisions should take 20 seconds are less.

Yes, even hu at main event.

look man I’m as anti tanking as they come and agree with you

except I’m understanding in this sort of once ever in your life spot for millions

this isn’t a fun spot, yes it’s either he has or it he doesn’t, but his decision is worth millions and therefore we have a tank

ironically I guess I think the previous one was an easier fold than this one, but blargh that spot sucks I definitely would take more than 4 minutes here and I never tank myself

Sorry I don’t really agree. Nobody is capable of working through a decision tree large enough to take 20 min. He is not thinking of anything. Not working combos or math. It’s just wasting time.

I am not going to argue hard hu at the main event. I still think it’s lots of time wasting but I’ll allow it.

Every other time any decision that takes more than a few minutes it utter nonsense in poker. It has to stop.

he called and lost, wow

Think long think wrong. Gg

Jorstead is good but was smacked by deck.

he made the right decision on the 18 minute tank

someone looked into that narrative of longer thing = worse but it got debunked but they just went with it cause otherwise some people would never make any decision at all

well if you don’t get smacked by the deck you don’t win the main so

True story.

I always learned from taking standardized tests that your first intuition is usually the right one? Did that get debunked?

Poker needs a clock so bad. I can’t barely play tournaments anymore cause everyone thinks every hand in every $50 daily requires 5 min tanks for every standard decision.

I once had a ~5 min tank and was wrong for what would have been the biggest pot of my life.

Was in the straddle with 578Jssdd
5 am, I’m 5k deep player on my right covers me two drunk idiots are losing tons potting every hand blind pf.

I’m in the $20 straddle, end up closing action calling for $100 pf 5 way.

Flop is 689dd, goes bet, call, raise in front of me and it’s like ~1.5k to call with a short stack behind me looking like they want in as well. I fold and a set wins a $9k pot.

Oh of course not, I just think that’s how it should be in general.

Agreed, but it’s still fine if the BB puts it in, you just change the amount they put in based on players remaining.

I don’t think it matters for TV viewing, they’ll mention it once, it’ll be on the graphic, and they’ll see the pot size.

It’s funny tanks in cash games don’t bother me at all really. I don’t do it but don’t care too much if others do it within reason.

That’s a hard call in plo. Don’t blame you for the fold.

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damn I haven’t been in a PLO game like that since 2003/4.