2022 World Series of Poker - Commonwealth goes on a heater

Wtf that is terrible

1/4 horses played and she made it through day 1! So far so good.

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its almost as if running 4 flights of a massive 1k tourney with tons of publicity on days a/b/c of the main helped make the largest day to begin with too big for them to handle.

no one could have foreseen this.


Oh i forgot to tell this story -

i stand in line to register for cash games at Paris (aka wsop).

Two people at the podium, one guy taking names one lady calling names. I’m 2nd in line. 40ish white american infront of me with a baseball cap and a mask. An 80 year old cuts infront of us to “ask the guy a question”.
Baseball cap goes to the lady to sign up. She says “i’m only calling names”.
He is pissed, mumbled “next time i’ll just said you called me”.
She says “i called you?”.
He says “no, i say next time i’ll just say you called me and skip the line”.
She says “I called you?”.
He says “yes”
She says “whats your name?”
He says “Gary”
She looks confused. gives him a seat card. he goes sit.


Busted. 3b all in with QQ and 22bbs. Called by AQ. A on the flop.

Playing the turbo flight in 40 minutes. I’m at the exact same table lol.


I’m curious if everyone has covid or I am just hypersensitive about hearing coughs these days.


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I heard hardly any in the mega satty. Someone at the table commented that the first two weeks everyone was coughing and now it sounds normal cause everyone already had it.

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I don’t recall anyone predicting 1d being a mess on poker Twitter, but I don’t follow everyone of note. Was anyone talking about it a week ago?

Maybe take Andy Bloch’s advice:


this also fucks up MGM main event which was built around the day offs of the WSOP ME.

That’s Justin Hammer’s problem, not the WSOP’s. He gambles too much when it comes to setting guarantees.


LOLFLIPAMENTS. Busted right before the first break. Went from table chip leader to put in 25 minutes and 3 flips. On to the Venetian $150k tomorrow.

I did bust right before the firework show so that was neat.

You didn’t go downtown to watch the free Mackenzie Porter, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, and Molly Hatchet concert?

It was a tough decision but no lol.

Which team are you on?
  • Team Orleans
  • Team Kessler
0 voters






All my horses moved to 1d.

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If Chainsaw was legitimately just chewing the last bit of pizza and not actually holding it, then I’m 100% Team Chainsaw. Even if he had a little stub of crust still in his hand, floor manager can GTFO.

I mean he had to go out of the room to finish it so, obv it wasn’t a stub

I say fuck people who eat greasy ass pizza at a poker table


If he already had 3 warnings about it?