2022 World Series of Poker - Commonwealth goes on a heater

Jonathan Woof?

Good run, sorry I missed it.

i mean i imagine he is disappointed but that’s an absolutely disgusting couple of days and over 6 figures to show for it. mighty jealous tbh


i think he played incredibly well and made very few if any mistakes in the time the stream was live. he was rolling over them before that last break and you could tell they knew it but couldn’t adjust. Coming back from break I can tell they consulted their rail because they were looking him up a lot lighter. AK > AA is disgusting and he wins the tournament if that holds. plenty of other brutal losses like that and he still gets 3rd. absolutely impressive and inspiring and I really am humbled by how hard he clearly worked for this on such a short time period, like jfc man this is such a sick run and well deserved.


yea that’s definitely the guy standing next to CW’s gf at some point on the rail.

Redacted for privacy.


in my opinion you ran hot to get to that exact spot and then on final table ran about as shit as possible in the big moments.

your run from getting crushed back to 20bb with AK > AA to bein in a great spot to TID was nuts and you did it with really good aggression. i’m completely unable to come back from spots like that mentally sometimes lately.

if the live read on bucket head is the one i helped look at, nice. if you lost i sorta wanted that guy to win though, i like his vibe and energy. i dunno what read you had on cowen but it seemed like you just had him absolutely nailed.


BEHIND THE SCENES NOW THAT I CANT SPOILER. my pov for this was nuts.

I dont know if it was apparent but I was struggling so bad for so much of that stream. I was trying to give info and also stream and also take care of my elderly cat, this was so unexpected and out of nowhere. this morning he asked if i could help out and i thought he wouldnt be so foolishly rely on a perennial fuck up like me.

so CW asks me at like 11am or some shit today if i could help out. i was like ya sure. then he sends me 400 spreadsheets of every possible range from every possible position in like every possible scenario and its notated with crap I’ve not really seriously studied hard yet and I was like w/e lol good chance he even busts before feature but I was flattered and did want to help any way I could. at that point i figured he had backups because having me as a rail guy would be foolish and high variance. later on when i realized i was the rail guy i got so nervous but i wanted to do well. i fucked up on a hand i relayed but it ended up being ok because the mistaken hand was a correct tell CW had anyway.

so back up then today im reading this thread and I had a great stream with OOT when my good friend howard treesong, who’s a great guy but has a disease of republicanism, went deep in ME a few years back, so this seemed like a good chance to do that again.

we had a good chat n stream. i was worried someone would try to make it blow up and i warned chat if it went above 100 viewers id have to shut it down. we peaked at 80ish and it held steady. 80’s about what id expect from our community so that was really cool and i super duper appreciate not a single person trying to ruin it for anyone else or causing drama or being shitty at all. not a single person. that was cool.

anyway so now its definitely happening and im not prepared at all and had been at the doctor/pharmacy all afternoon. i had to stream from bed which had my ac unit next to my head which is why it looked like i was in a clean room.

so the stream from what i can gather is like, 30 mins behind. im getting whatsapps from CW like “tell me what he had when i 4b jam AJo” and im like when you did WHAT??? trying to keep a poker face so i dont spoil it for my viewers, who, keep in mind are 2 mins behind my POV due to ads.

meanwhile my cat stella bless her heart decides she wants to know whats going on. she gets curious when my attention is on something. this is where i fucked up BIG TIME and waved an actual literal black cat in front of the screen multiple times to try to get her out of my hair. i am really sorry for that but i promise she’s actually a good luck charm.

i knew a few big moments that i think i did a good job of not spoilering. i knew about the cowen bustout and the AK > AA hand. then he went quiet for a really long time and i thought it was because raul had busted and he was HU and thus unable to check his phone. i got the news about 25 mins before the stream did. big bummer but hey 100k on a freeroll dude.



I could tell you were agitated beyond normal, but I think you did ok.

I’ve thought about how I would set this up if I were playing. One thing is that I would have someone live at the tournament communicating directly with you, which is probably hard to arrange when most people have left. Another is that I would have tasked the forum with writing down every hand so that it would be easy to look up stuff instead of you trying to rewind and find hands. And I’d probably have a backup person in case your internet goes down and your stream dies.

Great job Jmakin. Is there any way to go back and watch your twitch now? I wasn’t able to watch live. Obviously I don’t twitch or have an acct, I tried to find it, but it seemed like a rocket league stream?

Anyway, thanks for the work you put in.

CW, was fun sweating. I was following for pretty much everything, except the important parts, from about 11 left til your bustout I missed. Congrats. Pretty good week’s work.

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vods are disabled due to security issues i had (not related to drama here) and copyright flags on my vids from twitch’s stupid and horrible music policy. I didnt save the vod, sorry. Seemed too sketchy because I wasn’t technically allowed to broadcast that. since i kept the stream small and it was for entertainment purposes only I feel no one would make a stink, but making it a VOD seems like it’s stepping over a line I won’t step over.

The whole thing’s on pokergo though!

I thought that might have been the case. Totally justifiable.

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Well the random rewinding during action makes more sense now :slight_smile:

Congrats CW!

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Had to tap out 3 handed.

Hell of a run CW. Thought you played nearly flawlessly. Congrats on the huge score!

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Nice run CW. Hardly bothered looking at the WSOP at all this year but got quite into checking on your progress and this thread.


Congrats CW! Hell of a run.

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Absolutely incredible run.

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Great run buddy

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Redacted for privacy.


Amazing run and score :muscle: