2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

And by far the stupidest, which is saying something.

It looks like Raffensperger is going to win the GOP primary which I guess is good for democracy


I agree. Also itā€™s both sad and amusing that for these fuckers, ā€œvirtue signalingā€ is slurping Florida Man.

Jessica Cisneros currently has a slight lead over Pelosiā€™s anti abortion incumbent Henry Cuellar. 68% reporting but I have no idea how the votes left or already counted skew.


Say what you will about gerrymandering, but I wish my district looked like Santa holding a candle as I wait for results to come in.

Screenshot 2022-05-24 205042

Thatā€™s what I see anyway.

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Which highlights the often overlooked fundamental problem hanging over all of this: Americans are fucking morons.

lmao 15%

To me, primary results seem to say R voters want Trumpism without Trump. Trumpā€™s endorsement is no longer a Trump card as long as you play all the hits. But R voters are way past done with Bush and Romney types.

This is why Desantis will win. Do all the racism without being so annoyingly, transparently stupid.


Donā€™t read to much into Georgia gov as a referendum on Trump. Kemp was the looney fringe right candidate in 2018. Itā€™s an accident of history heā€™s now perceived by national media as GOP establishment, whatever that even means anymore.

Idk, looks like the GOP base wants proven winners, not losers like Perdue and maybe Trump at this point. They have worked themselves up into a frenzy over Biden and the ā€œradicalā€ left. The paramount thing is to crush their enemies. Even though they will cry that 2020 was rigged, they (a) to some extent know thatā€™s just a thing they say to own the libs, and (b) are mad at Trump for losing. Like, they wanted him to do the coup successfully, instead he left office peacefully in disgrace. He embarrassed them and gave the libs a victory. They couldnā€™t say ā€œwe won, get over it,ā€ anymore.

If DeSantis runs against Trump, he has a clear line of attack which will resonate with every rightwinger in the country, which is ā€œyou lost to Sleepy Joe.ā€ You can even do that while maintaining the Big Lie, just say Trump was too weak to stop the riggage. Iā€™m not foolish enough to announce the death of Trump as a political force, but cracks are clearly showing.


What happens when Trump loses to DeSantis and starts claiming that it is rigged and that DeSantis is a Harvard establishment candidate pretending to be MAGA and that his supporters should boycott?

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Is Raffensperger actually gonna hold in GA? I bet on Kemp holding in early 2021, but I thought Brad was a goner for sure.



Is there anything major I need to vote on in the CA Dem primary? Iā€™ve tried to read the sample ballot but it just confuses me. I donā€™t know who any of the senate candidates are, just that I donā€™t see Feinstein to vote against. Obviously Iā€™m voting for Ted Lieu - GOAT Congressman.


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Whereā€™s the lie? He guaranteed he wasnā€™t down 30 points and the numbers back him up.

Ted Lieu at least lost GOAT status for me when he sponsored the law to make it a crime to advocate for boycotting Israel. He did give my daughter an award though, so that was kinda GOAT.

I think there are only 3 statewide ballot measures and they seem pretty straightforward, but these things are fairly often deceptive. For or against less plastic packaging, sports betting at NA casinos, flavored vape ban. The most controversial thing here is more funding for MB schools that would be $1100 per year per property not proportional to property value. Iā€™m against that, largely because itā€™s not proportional, but also because the MB schools keeps doing things like knocking down the nice school near my house and building a stupid new building.

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MB schools?


This dude have any chance?

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