2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Manhattan Beach. Suzzer knows, he lives nearby.

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CPI score of R +28. Best a Dem has done in this district is lose by 48%.





Gets betterā€¦Cuellar currently leading by <200 votes despite/because of Pelosi & Co. going so hard in the paint:



I think these are both good things (given itā€™s a regressive tax thatā€™s being abolished) regardless of how it helps electability. My only qualm would be fuck making people prove car ownership, just send everyone money

Well, and Romney is fucking hilarious for even bothering to endorse someone in that race, as if thatā€™s not just going to hurt them against MTG if anyone even notices

Apartment lease expires in July

Thinking about moving to Georgia and once again doing an lol electoralism organizing and banging my head against the wall for a Senate race

Warnock seems cooler than Doug Jones at least. Doesnā€™t give off ā€œplease give me another swirlieā€ vibes


My hope meter is firmly at a zero.

The eDem backed jackass with an A rating from the NRA, who actively worked to tank the supposed eDem agenda and was recently raided by the FBI, only to be endorsed by Biden, Pelosi and Clyburn, winning on the very same day 19 kids were slaughtered in his home state, really drives home the futility of it all.

Heā€™s up by 170 votes. If one of those dinosaur dipshits doesnā€™t endorse he probably loses. So nauseating.

Warnock is solid. He and Ossoff at least seem to be trying to do things for their constituents. Plus, heā€™s a good orator.

Making it contingent on car ownership is terrible policy. Who owns more cars? The rich own more cars. What is he doing for poorer people who donā€™t/canā€™t own a car? And why is anyone rewarding car ownership in a climate emergency at all?

Good politics, though, I guess, since the rich are more likely to vote.

Those dinosaur dipshits clearly perceive the real threat to their power from the left.

Absolutely. They make they very, very clear. They also make it clear that they donā€™t actually give a flying fuck about a womanā€™s right to choose, or about 19 kids being slaughtered in an elementary school, or about climate change, or about anything other than having power until the day they die.

The funny (not really) thing is that they have no actual power. They just have a handshake deal to split millionaire and billionaire money with Republicans and occasionally concede some policy points to Republicans. They are more like paid employees than decision makers.

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East Cobb (GA) cityhood vote went down in flames, so Iā€™m happy that rich racists didnā€™t get their way for once.


I think like 90% of D senators actually care and would do legit good stuff if they could.

The part that drives me fucking insane is that they never really fight. They should be using every procedural lever possible to make life miserable for the opposition, instead they just keep asking them to be nicer.

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Because they know that fighting escalates to potential civil war. Theyā€™re like the guys who donā€™t want to support Ukraine because they fear nukes.

Rappensberger for SoS though. Claim to fame is being at the epicenter of thwarting the Trump coup and won a R primary without a runoff.

Pretty sure DeSantis is the future now.

The smartest thing for DeSantis and Trump to do in 2024 is both run, but softplay each other. Like two big stacks at the final table. Go hard at everyone else, suck all the air out of the room. Make DeSantis the ā€œreasonableā€ option for squeamish moderates.

Then when itā€™s down to just the two of them - they go hard at each other. Or maybe one buys the other off somehow to drop out and get in line.