2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I honestly don’t give a shit how he gets it done. If this is what it takes, then godspeed, I guess.

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We’re all going to burn.




Gonna take my thumb and jam it up its butthole!


This is self-evidently idiotic


I could make the argument that Dems spent their political capital on second impeachment and a COVID bill and didn’t have enough left over to do as much as they wanted on infrastructure and BBB.

What if they legalized Marijuana and tripled their Political Capital?


this seems correct to me


Lol Bill De Blasio running for congress. Don’t know how he will be able to keep working out at the YMCA everyday before heading to DC.

That Y building big enough for a rooftop helipad imo

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So if WV progressives got fired up and successfully primaried Manchin, would that bad politics? I don’t think that’s a clear yes or no.

bernie and aoc both threatened to campaign in wv. but i don’t think they did on a consistent basis.

i’m coming around to the idea that the play is to just ignore manchin… he rubber stamps all our judges like a good dem. and he does his obstruction thing to make himself feel like the king. but i don’t know if he ever loses WV so just leave him there, the alternative will be worse no matter how bad we think he is.




Not sure if a Jeb! endorsement helps or hurts DeSantis.

No impact at all. No one gives a shit about Jeb.

I know people want to make the Kemp/Perdue GA gov primary a referendum on Trump because it’s funny to see one of Trump’s candidates lose by a lot. But the reason Kemp will win by 30 pts is because Republicans are scared of losing to Stacey Abrams so there’s no room for virtue signaling. Kemp has beaten Abrams, and Perdue is a loser that loses.


Yup, and it’s not like Kemp isn’t ULTRA conservative. He just didn’t try to overturn the election.

This is about as high leverage as it gets. Walker would be the craziest person in the Senate (literally and figuratively) by a pretty wide margin.

And there will be riggage.
