2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Colorado was Biden +13

Just drew a 4/4 congressional map

Sounds like another disaster caused by the progressive wing of the party!



R’s are gonna regret not gerrymandering the shit out of everything when they had the chance

well some of those states are already tapped out but you get the point

as noted their best opportunity left is Ohio

Kinda thinking Democrats should just punt this one and let these two fight. McMullin (as much as he sucks) would be better than Mike Lee, and no Democrat is ever winning a Utah senate seat.

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Yeah pretty sure we should spend about $0 in Utah

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odds of mcmullin winning are about 0

odds of a democrat winning are 0

so pretty much

Utah is weird that their R’s aren’t full blown maga people and mcmullin would be better than lee but enough to give a shit? not really

this right here is how you do redistricting in a Dem-controlled state:



Is this where we are doing the Virginia governor race and other stuff that’s happening today?

PI has Youngkin ahead. Not good, Bob.

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Anecdotally, I’m seeing tons more Youngkin support. It was very rare you saw any Trump signs in my area, but now I’m seeing lots of Youngkin signs. Not sure if these were just shy Trump voters, but doesn’t seem like a good omen.

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My predictions:

Youngkin +4

Murphy squeaks out NJ by +2

If there are other races that matter Dems either lose or the margin is way closer than it should be.

The media takes away all the wrong reasons why the Dems got crushed and writes many columns about how they are doomed next year. This is, of course, the right conclusion, but the media will get the reasons wrong.

On Sunday, the NYT publishes a column by returning champion Bari Weiss: “Why AOC and Ilhan Omar Cost the Democrats Virginia.”

STAFFORD, VA. The column begins: “Two unvaccinated and maskless white men and a white woman sit at Sam’s Diner, a black-owned business in downtown Stafford.”

“We’ve been coming here for years and are best friends with the owner, one of the men said.”

“I voted for Obama twice, you know, the other man said.”

He continued: “but I was listening to Candace Owens on Joe Rogan’s podcast last week, and . . .”

Somewhere, simplicitus is vigorously nodding his head in approval at this master class in journalism.


I’m sure the David Shor types will be eager to blame house progressives when the shitlib centrist dem loses a Biden +11 state.

If you don’t like playing defense on critical race theory, maybe don’t run the least inspiring piece of shit Clinton era loser around.


I thought Anakin killed all the youngkins. I want Republicans to lose, but it’s a relief to know one of the little ones survived.


But he’s paid his dues!

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I’m predicting McAwful squeaks it out. 1% or less.

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A preview for what happens at midterms when zero of the base/progressives priorities were addressed for two years and the voters dont show up. Rs not even gonna have to rig this one, gonna take control of the House again fair and square.

Not buying NJ is in play, but Virginia is toast for the governorship. The real question I would think is what happens in the state legislative elections. Youngkin+lose the state congress=cross Virginia off the map for '24 presidential election EV.


if VA is red in 2024 the election is over popular vote is in play

Im not talking a straight up vote. A Trumpian governor and R state senate/house are pretty unlikely to certify Biden electoral votes, especially in a race against Trump.

They wouldn’t have to is my point.