2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Yeah if the dems sat down and worked out the math and figured out they could out gerrymander Republicans they would be idiots not to do it. Republicans control more states but I think dems control more of the population? But with the cap of house seats population is way less of a factor.

You can lift the cap with a simple 50-50 vote. Should have done that and made CA like 600-0 in dem house seats lol.

It’s all a lot easier to process when you realize that the boomer assholes in charge absolutely do not want the outcomes we do. I fought that realization for like 15 years, but it can no longer be denied.

Legal weed and student loan forgiveness are the biggest layups ever, they’re going to do neither. They had to be shamed into banning evictions during a fucking pandemic. The only way forward is for millennials to take over the party, and that assumes we still have a functioning democracy.




Student loan forgiveness is the right thing to do but I don’t think it’s even close to a political lay up like weed is.

Yeah California lefalized weed and had an 87 billion dollar surplus. Im not sayong causation = correlation, but im not not saying that

Polling is overwhelmingly in favor of legalizing weed. It’s only a matter of time before Republicans go pro-weed and eat the Dem’s lunch.

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We should start calling weed “grass” again. Maybe the boomers would get onboard.

I know. I’m saying weed is a lay up, forgiving student debt really isnt. People who would benefit arent consistent voters, ones who are are solidly dem, and a lot of the rest will be pretty resentful


yggy been reading UP again. didn’t riverman make this exact observation a few weeks ago?



DW-NOMINATE has Neguse around the same rating as as Peter DeFazio and Jamaal Bowman.

Well unless it’s an independent commission that means she’s out with the map, because they aren’t so dumb to redistrict one of themselves out.

edit–it’s independent but looking at the rewritten district (which is #2)–she’d lose by double digits

this isn’t gonna be the only map they’ll start out with tho, so tbd on what gets used, on the plus side, unlike other states it looks reasonable instead of super ridiculous.

he’d get all the $ nationally, if this is the map–hope he’s smart enough to throw a bone to whoever’s at 7 or 8 though, those are far more interesting/valuable.

At this point my meager hopes are starting to rise based solely on the fact that thousands of republicans are apparently choosing to die of covid to own the libs. At some point that has to impact midterm races right?

60,000+ dead in Florida and no signs of slowing let alone stopping.

What percentage of the dead likely vote red? Gotta be north of 70, right?

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I mean realistically thats probably 20k max dead voting republicans which isn’t much but I mean some of the huge amount of people that got covid and survived must have been like “hey this isn’t a hoax maybe I’ve been lied to”. Right? Right Anakin?


Meanwhile, Rogan was shooting his bow today talking about how good he felt.

At most, the covid dead might cancel out the effects of voting rights being stripped in away in several key states, but probably not even that. Although if Florida keeps Floridin’ then who knows.


whaaat, hell yeah. With Dems likely getting +5 seats in NY, we’re coming out ahead?

lol CA