2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Seems appropriate for a woke corporatist channel whose primary demo is rich suburban Dems who thinks that the west wing is “historical documents”

Have Hilary Clinton and the socialist democrats drifted too far to the extremist left? - NYT headline, probably.

Just to be clear, redistricting put Maloney’s home in Mondaire Jones’ district and Jones’ home in Jamaal Bowman’s district. But Maloney never lived in his current district until he ran for Congress there and you don’t have to live in your district. Maloney seems like the type to believe you ought to live in your district and his supporters seem to feel that Maloney shouldn’t feel obligated to move his husband and kids to run in another district.


“You cannot have the chair of the DCCC involved in a Democratic primary with an incumbent colleague and expect that person to remain objective about their No. 1 job, which is incumbent protection,” said Democratic Rep. Kathleen Rice of New York, who is retiring this year and has been outspoken at times in critiquing her party’s leaders.

This is unsettling for Democrats across the ideological spectrum because the party’s main purpose is protecting incumbents. That’s the bigger concern inside the party than the moderate vs progressive angle that most here might focus on.

lol is this real?

Do you want Hillary in jail or something? I mean, if she wants to run in 2024, I’ll be right alongside you expressing scorn and disbelief.

I’m not familiar with the hate gospel on McCaskill, but her results seem fine? She ran 23 points ahead of Obama in 2012 (with a third party taking 6% of the vote), and she lost by 6 points between two elections where Clinton/Biden lost by 20/15 points. She held down a contestable seat in a red state for a while, then lost it as the state became redder and politics became more polarized.




She should be one of the very last people we let out of prison as we work towards abolition

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If this is true, it is exactly the kind of approach Dems need to make any traction in saving the country. This assertion that Progressives like Fetterman even though he’s not perfect is exactly the kind of anti-purity test approach that has allowed the conservatives to build a big tent.


eDem boomers and consultants and donors will be all over the place in the coming weeks warning that Fetterman and people like him are too far left to win blah blah blah, while deliberately missing the obvious lesson here which is that nobody wants to vote for punchable consultant-approved assholes.

People didn’t overlook Fetterman’s views they disagree with at random, they did it because he’s not a fucking douche. And for the millionth time, people DO NOT ACTUALLY VOTE ON POLICY. The idea American voters are tracking individual candidates’ positions on complex issues is TRANSPARENTLY FUCKING INSANE.


Strong disagree. Just yesterday we were talking about how voters are more in line with Fetterman’s policies.

I would argue authenticity is far more important. Also to the extent policy matters, so-called left wing shit is way more popular than centrist crap. This is true for almost everything - weed, taxes, health care, etc. The fundamental flaw of eDem brain is deliberately not understanding this. With the possible exception of immigration.


Riverman is right.

For a shitton of people (basically everyone who isn’t rich and sees a massive and clear through line from government tax policy to their bottom line), “I trust this guy/girl” is way more important than “This person has policies I agree with”


People vote for their self-interest. Dems constantly run garbage campaigns that don’t speak to anyone’s needs. Just run a guy who promises legal weed and basic gun control and he’ll win.

Like how many freaking Iraq-war veteran centrists have eDems recruited and bankrolled only to see them lose to laughably horrible people? Even in supposedly swingy districts! There is no market for “basically a Republican but not a terrible person,” yet they keep slamming their head against the brick wall.


Voters are often more trusting of a candidate who they feel cultural continuity with.

Some people view their self-interest in relative rather than absolute terms. They don’t want a rising tide that lifts all boats; they want to stay above the people they look down upon.



A challenge for Republicans is that they’ve gone so far into a weird fantasy rabbit hole that they’ve lost their voter base. No one gives a rip about secret cocaine parties or grooming or whatever the hell Cawthorn was going on about. JD Vance kept it tightly focused on kicking out the Mexicans and he won big. He’s the most aggressively inauthentic phony in politics but he promises to give people stuff that want and he wins. No one really cares if your guy is a fake Ohioan or flew a fighter jet or whatever, that helps o one.

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