2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

so how did trmp do on his endorsements?

and how did nancy?

Uh, did you see the other choices? Insurrectionist and a fake, Trump-slurping hedge fund guy. The right choice ain’t available.



LOL this headline.


I mostly feel for the trees that he is going to beat up because of his frustration and anger.

So basically every corporate centrist type lost. I’m sure this will result in lots of great electability takes from the usual suspects.

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lol fuck off and retire Nancy


Expect a full court press from the media about the potential that this Progressive Insurgency in the Dem party might Hurt The Party in the mid terms. That way when the eDems get stomped after 2 years of doing nothing with a trifecta, they can avoid responsibility for their own failures.

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Same. But also, this is what happens to a GOP guy when they fuck around and find out. Dems will never, ever go scorched earth like this on Joe Manchin. Maybe on Ilhan Omar, though.

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Fun fact I just learned about Oregon’s 5th district.

It was created in 1983 and has sent 5 different people to Washington. All 5 have gotten divorced while in office.

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Yeah, this is going to be infuriating.

Fixed your @

OAN? Or is he relegated to the Daily Caller on-line?

The only guarantee is that the election was stolen from the loser.


I mean, if the primary challenger loses in a contestable general election, how can there not be reflection on electability? On the flip side, if progressive challengers win tough races, everyone should be trying to learn lessons from their campaigns. The actual legislature is way to Biden’s right, so intraparty disputes count for nothing next to just winning elections however possible.

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When has there ever been a “reflection on electability” when an eDem loses?


I do recall some critical reflections on Hillary’s campaign in the aftermath of the 2016 election…


Unless those critical reflections resulted in “Hillary and everyone associated with her should go away forever”, then these reflections were ineffective.

And it’s not just Hillary. Claire McCaskill has a job at MSNBC FFS.