2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Progressive Kentucky Dem Charles Booker gets to take a run at highly punchable Republican Rand Paul!


No but Iā€™m tempted to bet McCormick now, supposedly the outstanding votes are by mail, which should favor McCormick.

One time???


But he is still light years a better candidate than fucking Amy McGrath

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Speaking of the 6th,


I donā€™t really know anything about this lady (or Flynn, really).

I mostly had by funds tied up by betting against Lamb. Got in at .79 so a decent day but nothing crazy that could have been made from trading the swongs in Oz/McCormick

Supposedly sheā€™s progressive.

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Imagine walking into a voting precinct and going, this Oz guy seems like the right choice


Heā€™s a celebrity Iā€™ve seen on TV worked for Trump


Oz leads.

And while weā€™re at it can we stop with Oprah already if it hasnā€™t been said enough? Thirty+ years and Dr Phil and Dr Oz and that thousand zillion pieces book and a bunch of other terrible book recommendations later and my god Ellen seems okay by comparison

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It seems very likely that this thing heads to a recount. Itā€™s 31.2% to 31.2%. Itā€™s going to take another day or two to count the mail-in ballots and get the winner, then itā€™s very likely to be an automatic recount. Fetterman may not have an opponent for a couple weeks.

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You should like her based solely on this:

Less than a handful of times in recent years, has the powerful House Majority PAC, which is backed by Pelosi and other leaders in the lower chamber, endorsed a candidate in a Democratic primary.

It broke with that tradition again when it gave Flynn more than $939,000 this election cycle. PAC Communications Director CJ Warnke said itā€™s doing ā€œwhatever it takesā€ to keep the House under Democratic control.


That and sheā€™s for single payer, so she sounds like a winner.

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I wonder if this primary can be used to build Animus toward Pelosi from Hispanics.

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Really going to miss Madison ngl.