2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I think you can fill in whatever you want and the answer will be blame progressives


Am I crazy to think that maybe JD Vance is an ideal opponent? With the caveat of course being that it’s Ohio and it’ll be tough anyway…

There’s a tape of him trashing Trump. Set up an independent dark money group and make sure every Ohio Republican sees a commercial with that tape like every day. Call him a wealthy elitist posing as a champion of the deplorables to steal their votes.

Meanwhile the actual campaign can be entirely about women’s rights to turn out Dem voters.


The ideal opponent seems to be someone who is capable of costing themselves the election by saying something dumb about rape. Is Vance too smart and too careful to blow his shot that way? Someone crazy and reckless is our best chance of seeing a major unforced error.

A whole lot of people thought Trump was the ideal opponent in 2016. Never underestimate the depravity of republican voter…err American voter…err Americans.

JD has found the secret weapon of bashing immigrants and trotting out the Great Replacement theory. Plus the NYT is slobbering all over him. I think he’s a strong presidential contender in the future.

I’ve seen too many of the most nakedly corrupt, loathsome pieces of shit gain power to ever think anyone is drawing dead.

This guy was at 4% until god damn Peter Theil started bankrolling him and now he’s going to be in the senate. It’s over for this country, just a matter of when the buzzer goes off.

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The NYT isn’t reporting this, but JD’s TV ads in Ohio were 100% Mexicans coming over to steal your job and rape your daughter. He’s gone full Tucker Carlson and it paid off.

BUT, he ALSO ran ads letting us know he’s not a racist, so, who can say

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He ran one that was like “are you racist, me too, vote for me.” Lol NYT as always

That was the tame ad. The others we’re all hordes of Mexicans storming the border and I guess making a beeline for Ohio?

You don’t think somebody could make this country how it was when it was better, again?

What candidate do you think voters prefer?
  • One they think is good on the economy but bad on abortion
  • One they think is good on abortion and bad on the economy

0 voters

But Dems can’t win on the economy right now so the question is whether they can manage to make the election about abortion instead.

They’re literally running on “we’re not defunding the police”


Just posted the new polling in the SCOTUS thread, Republican generic ballot lead went from 45-44 right before the ruling to 49-42 right after, despite polling on the ruling all favoring the liberal positions.

Only interpretation is that running on protecting a woman’s right to choose and failing to do so has consequences, and calling your voters stupid for being mad about that is not going to convince them to turn out and vote for you.

It’s also two polls so it’s all variance anyway. Likely 45-44 was an outlier favoring the Ds and 49-42 is closer to what it was the whole time.

Either way it doesn’t look like Dems are going to win the House on the issue. IMO a big part of that is that their voters are not, in fact, stupid. They know that these fuckers are useless and all talk and aren’t going to magically do something in a year with the same trifecta they currently hold, nor are they nuking the filibuster for this.

Well yeah, 2 years of doing nothing guaranteed that. It’s a shame they’re going to get so thoroughly destroyed in the last quasi-fair election of our lifetimes, but that’s what happens when you have a bunch of chickenshits in charge.

You simply can’t say “vote for us we will do xyz,” then win and not do xyz. They absolutely deserve what’s about to happen and it’s fucking tragic the consequences will fall on their most reliable, most vulnerable voters.


It’s not only that, what do they run on the next time? The same xyz! But this time they mean it! And if you don’t vote for them you’re stupid!

Like the establishment always whines that the GOP base always turns out and the Dem base doesn’t because young people suck. Fuck them, no, it’s cause THEY SUCK!!!

The GOP base turns out and in return they get things they want. We delivered them popular vote wins in what, five of six presidential elections? And we got Mitt Romney’s healthcare plan. That’s it!

They’re professional losers throwing the game and calling us stupid while doing it.