2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?



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guys, we are the rebellion!

solo gif


What if Dems run on protecting Roe, lose both Houses, and decide they lost because they played the abortion card too strongly?


South Carolina primary is June 14.

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Great, kid! Don’t get cocky.



Paging Shor and the rest of the fucking assholes (who have the ear of the eDem leadership) begging for more milquetoast corporate centrists:


It’s amazing that the lure of being remembered for all of American history isn’t enough for these people to come out against the filibuster.

The filibuster is the second best thing the wealthy and corporate America have going for them. The best is the Supreme Court.

Some people might see the filibuster as the only hope for preventing a Republican-controlled Congress from passing abortion restrictions.

Short-sighted view:

  1. Only the GOP has a realistic path to 60 senators, so preservation of the filibuster is a preservation of the landscape where only the GOP gets to pass laws through normal order, albeit only occasionally.

  2. They can ban federal money from pro-choice states with 50+1 votes in the Senate.

The filibuster doesn’t exist for how Republicans currently restrict abortion: the courts.

Republicans will be perfectly happy to nuke the filibuster to pass a national abortion ban and then bleat about violating norms if the Dems ever try to undo that same thing.


Just got a quote for a new HVAC system that increased 35% from 11 months ago from the same company for the exact same thing line for line. If anything the abortion stuff is a lifeline for democrats. They are about to get slaughtered because of inflation.



Lol NYT Pitchbot got me again. Wait what?

When Democrats connect with voters and are clear and strong with what they support — which in Glanville’s case was public school teachers, union jobs, the environment, and reproductive freedom — they win, even in super-Trumpy districts. twitter.com/GongwerMichiga…

Gongwer Michigan @GongwerMichigan

BREAKING: Democrat Carol Glanville in major upset flips the 74th House District in special election and defeats Republican Robert Regan. More coming soon at https://gongwer.com https://twitter.com/GongwerMichigan/status/1521668165247381506/photo/1

No you don’t understand, the people whose salaries depend on saying you’re wrong about this, say that you’re wrong about this