2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I wonder how much Roe had to do with that…

was 9% or so on PI

I’m dumb all I had to do was go to R primaries sort by craziest/trump endorsement and bet accordingly

Fwiw she got beaten soundly tonight.


Wasn’t a sure thing at all given Vance’s previous criticism of Trump vs. Mandel being a Trump slurper.

Was definitely some kind of deal cut between Peter Thiel (Vance’s biggest backer) and Trump. Needed to predict that based on Trump/Thiel history to be a PredictIt sharp.

I was stuck in deep red Ohio this past weekend and the Mandel guy was running an ad I can’t find online. In it, he claimed “boys are boys, girls are girls, and BLM are the racists, not us.” I probably saw it a hundred times. Squirrely-looking dude with strong grooming vibes who probably wouldn’t beat a grade schooler on a standardized test. Vance is way more dangerous with direct ties to the super rich / powerful and will operate as a pawn piece for them.


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Yeah Vance winning is really bad. He’s a billionaire puppet and it will reinforce Trump as god to the GOP. The guy was polling at 2% before Thiel / Trump got behind him.



I’m taking an L here too, I have no idea how JD pulled this one out of his hat.

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Didn’t the Ohio SC throw out two maps? Which one did they end up with?

Did you calculate the spoiler effect of the other candidates in the race? Vance and Mandel combined for only 56% of the vote.

Anybody want to read anything into Mike DeWine getting under 50% of the vote due to multiple pro-Trump candidates in the Ohio Republican gubernatorial primary? I don’t think Nan Whaley should try to appeal to Trumpers to vote for her, but is there a path towards getting some of them to stay home? I’m okay if it involves astroturfing and outright lies.



Forget Trump carrying it by 16, the 2020 state house race was R +26.26% and with most of the vote in for this special election it’s D +10%. Massive massive swing, but if they nominate someone who doesn’t admit to telling his daughters to enjoy being raped, they probably take it back.

So ultimately this is unlikely to amount to much but it does provide a glimmer of hope for November, and at least that asshole and shit father took a beating tonight. I suggest he lie back and enjoy it.

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New York has some primaries coming up on June 28th.

Anyway, nobody is challenging my House Representative. So he’s a lock to get the nom. Here he is. He’s been in office since 1998.


The district is solidly blue. Two Republicans are competing for the Republican nod. Who are they?

Well, one has a total of 16 tweets and zero comments. I doubt anybody actually knows who he is. The other isn’t gung-ho Trump but his “issues” web page doesn’t actually have anything on it. I’m pretty sure neither have a chance against Meeks.

And we have this beauty

He is being primaried by two candidates. One is Moses Mugulusi. He seems to have some solid leftist positions but is opposed to lifting the filibuster. So, he’s out. The other is Khaled Salem, the head of American Human Rights Organization, a NPO that focuses on defending human rights for American citizens living abroad. I mean this might the only guy who gives a shit about people like me in politics. Unfortunately, he’s very open about his support for Israel. So I guess he gives a shit about some of them.

So neither candidate is perfect. But I would argue that both are probably better than Schumer.

There are five people primarying the incumbent governor from the Democratic Party. One seems to be a joke candidate. Another is running for two offices at the same time. The other three I don’t have time to get into right now.

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The crazy right Trumpers absolutely hate Dewine because of his pandemic response. If it was a closer state it might matter. Ohio is not a close state anymore.

In case anyone was hoping for a last-minute miracle:


Don’t mind Nina Turner. I mean she’s got zero shot at anything but still not so bad.

Turner has some issues but she’s still one of the better ones.