2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Of course they’re still trying to trash him, he’s not on their team.

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Ohio GOP Senate primary is today. All the candidates are completely insane. Probably going to be Vance or Mandel.

Congratulations on 34 years of discounts at Dennys

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Worst part about being born (or graduating) in 1988, is that you might not be aware that you shouldn’t do the standard thing of putting the last 2 digits of your birth year in a username.


Commercial truck fleets number their trucks and paint or decal the number in a prominent place. Even 1-truck owner ops put a number on their truck. It just comes in handy.

Anyway one time my assigned truck was in the shop, and the loaner they gave me was 1488.

The company really had slightly less than a hundred 2014 models, and that was the numbering convention they were using at the time, all their trucks were 4 digits with the model year in the first 2, and the second 2 digits the order they had received them in, starting with 01


So is Vance less crazy then Mandel? Are we hoping Vance’s whole shtick just a cynical ploy to get elected and then go basic RINO?

They’re equally awful. Mandel has a higher chance of losing the general because he’s a legit moron who has lost every race he’s ever been a part of so I’m pulling for him. The Dems have a strong candidate in Tim Ryan - major Sherrod Brown vibes - so this one isn’t completely hopeless (GOP probably like -400).


I don’t really trust Ryan. He says he’s for abolishing the filibuster now, but when he was running for president…


JD Vance wins. Just the stupidest possible outcome because of course.

There had to have been money to be made for anyone who called this early. Wasn’t Mandel a pretty strong fave in the betting markets early on? By early, I mean pre-Trump-endorsement.


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PI has been backing Vance very heavily.

Since when? Since he announced?


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Lol Ohio

after the trump endorsement he flew up hard to like 80% and when the vote started coming in flew to 99, I didn’t care to look into it enough to bet it oof

Well, that makes sense. I was saying if anyone had Vance before that, they could have cleaned up. I’m not sure Trump picking him was a sure thing. If anything Mandel is the more pure MAGA dipshit.

some texts leaked that vance wasn’t on the trump train at the beginning (and the word hitler as a possibility was used) but trump didn’t mind that, he’s fine with converters.

I thought those texts came out post-endorsement.