2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

After losing a lot of ground with suburban white women, it’s a bold strategy referring to (I think) Cheney, Collins, and Murkowski as Menopausal Friends.

Let’s see how it plays out for him!

(But actually it’ll probably play out just fine for him cause WAAF, but at least he’s trying to fuck it all up and giving us some false hope in the process.)

Just over here looking up “panegyric” and trying to figure out how to work it into a conversation at Lotus or El Dorado…

I think I got second place in the high jump once in middle school.

Maybe have more success in the fine establishment next door to El Dorado


Redacted for privacy.

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This can’t be for reals.

You are correct. I was taken in. I give up.

they said I’d never amount to anything

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I’m actually jealous of you guys and your geography bees. Where I grew up, those weren’t a thing. However, young Melk loved geography and spent ridiculous amounts of time studying and memorizing geographic facts for no reason at all. I also loved competitions, so those things would have been right up my alley.

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When I was a kid there was an “Academic Olymbics” (really just a bunch of multiple choice tests) Where the students were divided into tiers by GPA (I swear I am not making this up) . Anyway, long story short, I won the gold medel for being the smartest C average 7th grader in Bexar County Texas 1988, so suck on that.


Holy shit you’re old.

Says the guy posting on poker message board with a Homer Simpson avatar. I suppose you’re 19?


I was a senior in 1988. :rage:


Man Gen X is officially olds now huh? It’s happening to me too now I guess.

I’m a not particularly young for my age 37 lol. But for some reason in my head you were my age or younger.

How did the other C students spell Olymbics and medel?


I already told you it was all multiple choice Poindexter.

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This was my jam. Did well in Orange County. Think I still qualified for “C” tier as a HS junior and got like 3rd in that tier, with a few firsts in some subjects. I won the 5 subject “academic pentathlon” version in 8th grade (for the C tier). I considered speech and debate insincere and not aimed at truth and therefore a waste of my time. (I was like the anti Ted Cruz.)

I have a particularly absurd R primary going on in my county for a county judge. My moron deplorable state rep jon cross’s (who I’ve posted a few times about on here) wife is running, while basically never having step foot in a court room or practicing law. The local legal establishment, mostly fellow Rs, are not impressed and have been writing letters in the local paper opposing her, or supporting her opponent. Her husband has been lashing out at them on Facebook. Calling them rinos, closet dems, accusing them of mansplaining, and gender bias, which is particularly funny because her opponent they are supporting is also a woman.

Today his response included the following line to a former prosecutor, who made a Facebook post stating that in 15 years working at the prosecutors office here, he never saw her in the courtroom once.

"And finally, Christina Cross will earn your respect, she won’t demand it. So get to know her and earn her respect back! The last thing I would want to do is to piss off a future judge. "

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And they’re still trying to trash him
