2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

what has he not done that was promised, he already canceled a ton of student debt so what’s left? (some of that he may not even be legally allowed to do in the first place)

BBB? even the most left people in congress stopped talking about that long before the infrastructure bill because it just didn’t stick with people

This doesn’t even merit a response.

How much did they pay you to come up with DEMS DELIVER? Since you’re the first person I’ve heard from that actually believes that shit.

a few weeks ago you and riverman snap believed a blatant liar’s tweet about how the dems were going all out against fetterman when every other publication was saying they weren’t going to do anything at all because it fit your narrative and you don’t care about anything else and then they didn’t do anything at all

so you both can spare me and you in particular have done this for a few months I’ve held off cause we’re actually similar and surprisingly to you I actually like you, we’re similar in a way, we both failed at the other stuff we wanted to do and settled for poker and don’t own a house by the time we’re supposed to, but reality is that’s purely our own fault.

That said, don’t put words in my mouth I didn’t say ever again but I’m not surprised goofy immediately jumped on it, that dude has the reading ability of a toddler, or he’s just being what he is most of the time, a dumb troll like the all the other dumb trolls and they all think they’re smart but none of them are.

Please enlighten me, what have they not delivered on that was promised but I actually looked it up now that you mentioned it according to this (you may disagree please enlighten me if this is incorrect)

okay you’re right about covid and fracking and bipartisan, and some stuff has gone nowhere so far (and probably isn’t in the senate given it’s makeup but this is how gov’t works or doesn’t, still better than authoritarian crap), but some stuff he’s done, nobody ever does half of what is promised, that’s how politics works, but you know this and obviously don’t care.

I suppose it’s quite ironic that, if I told you this forum one year ago would be universally supporting a 50 year old white guy who grew up in wealth (until he was mayor of whatever town that is) who’s dad paid for his living expenses most of his life and also stuck up an unarmed black guy, didn’t apologize, lied about it, you’d all assume he was a republican and you’d all say he’s extremely racist and would’ve dismissed immediately anything he said about it (I’d get some quotes but those papers are paywalled and I ain’t doing that cause let’s face it we all know you don’t care anyway).

[and I think he’s favored to win general, go figure] Though he’s in for a surprise when he learns how much work a senator actually is supposed to do. He didn’t talk to any of the dems there really–kinda gotta do that in the senate.

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I disagree about this. I think they took a couple big swings at Fetterman and couldn’t get him, I don’t think they let him be.

That doesn’t really surprise me because I actually like you too, I just disagree vehemently on a lot of your political strategy takes on the Dems. I generally enjoy discussing most stuff on here with you.

I also wouldn’t say it’s purely our fault, but that’s a separate topic that gets extremely complex super fast. Like, on the one hand I could change one or two decisions in my life and boom I’d probably own a house by now - and I’m not talking about like buying TSLA 10 years ago and selling it at its max, I’m talking about like career path and such.

But also I grew up in an environment where I was taught day in and day out that I could be anything I wanted to be, and I fell for it to an extreme.

You talking about Dems Deliver? I mean it was a joke, like a snide joke in the context of our disagreement on this but I didn’t think it was super rude or out of line or anything. I mean if you think he’s kept his promises, you think they’ve delivered, right?

Before looking I’d start with:

  • Immigration/border situation - they’ve done so little they’ve barely done anything
  • Taxing the wealthy
  • Let the child tax credit lapse
  • Voting rights/democracy reform
  • Took $2K down to $1,400
  • They’ve done next to nothing on climate, certainly not nearly enough
  • Didn’t end the pandemic (I don’t personally hold this against them but it was a stupid promise to make given that they didn’t really have control)

So like looking at this, they’re calling the commission to address policing issues stalled. What in the world does that mean? Like he doesn’t need Congress to have some kind of a commission, he can make that happen himself. Like if you made me President tomorrow, and you were my Chief of Staff, I could literally be like, “Hey wheatrich, get everyone together for a commission. Pick a couple staffers, have them call everyone key for input, put together some ideas and like a few page summary, and let’s reconvene in two weeks on that.”

Boom, got the ball rolling in 30 seconds. Then you farm it out, and in a couple weeks we all sit down for 15 minutes and you and I check up on their work, sign off on advancing it, and move forward. It’s literally one of the easiest promises to keep. What does stalled mean?

And then beyond that, the real thing is, nothing is going to get done on that because they’re not nuking the filibuster and they can’t do it via executive order. The only way it gets done is if he makes it a major national priority and twists arms in the Senate, which he isn’t.

Last but not least, he’s called to increase police funding if I’m not mistaken, and I haven’t heard anything about connecting that to like tangible results for the better on any of this stuff.

So PolitiFacts can say stalled, I say failed.

On net-zero emissions by 2050 they say on track, I say whaaaat? To actually be on track, they admit, he’d need to get a major bill through Congress. That failed, and I haven’t seen any effort to pick up the mantle on that again. Am I missing something? And I’ll even say that if I believed he actually truly tried, I’d give him credit. But I don’t believe he actually twisted Manchin and Sinema’s arms to the maximum to try to get BBB through, which is what had most of this stuff in it.

So I’d say that’s not on track, either. On the ACA, he did some small good stuff around the edges, but it expires in 2022 and needs to be renewed, so I give him like a D+ on that. They say “in the works” and again I’m like, what? Get it renewed for more than two years and I’ll improve the grade.

So I’m not going to to through every single issue, but I think they’re giving him credit for like writing stuff down in a plan or even putting it into a bill, even though it has approximately a 0% chance of passing and he knows it, and even though he’s not really campaigning for it or twisting arms trying to get it done. I don’t think he deserves credit for that.

I said before he was elected and/or after he won and before he took office that our expectations should be low and that basically the only thing that mattered for his first term was saving democracy by enacting democracy reform. Basically they needed to protect voting rights in a variety of ways, stop gerrymandering, etc. Statehood for DC would be ideal, but even failing on that and getting the rest would be good. HR1 from the prior Congress was a blueprint.

They never even got out of the gates on that.

He’d be in the youngest 16% of Dem senators right now.

Sounds like his parents were poor when he was born but became upper middle class or maybe wealthy by the time he was in college. Regardless, he’s good on left-right issues.

I hadn’t heard that, but even if so I think it’s key to look at what he was doing during that time. Was he being a failson? No, he worked for AmeriCorps to help students pursue GEDs, then went for a Master’s in Public Policy, then went back to AmeriCorps before running for mayor.

You make it sound like he robbed the guy. It was a bad incident, but it’s more nuanced than that and the black guy who he held at gunpoint is on the record rooting for him to win.

I don’t think that’s so clear. Is there actual proof he lied about any of it? I’ve read one or two articles and it seems like he overreacted, but there is a lot that remains unknown.

I mean yeah there’s definitely somewhat of a double standard being applied given that he’d immediately be the second or third most progressive US Senator, from a swing state no less, with excellent name recognition and electability in that state, and is 28 and 23 years younger than the other two most progressive senators (Bernie and Markey).

I’m sick of losing so goddamn always, to lift a partial phrase from Aaron Sorkin. Both as a Dem and as someone who wants to see progressive policies implemented.

It’s early but I think he has a slight edge.

Say what now? Like how much work are Sinema (off doing internships at wineries) and Feinstein (mentally incompetent to do much of anything at this point it sounds like) actually doing? I’d be surprised if Fetterman isn’t one of the harder workers in the Senate for the Dems, but I could be wrong.

What do you mean by this? The first part, not the second. Obviously once in the Senate you need to talk to other members of your party. If you’re referring to what I think you are, then I think it’s one of the things I like about him. But I’m not totally sure what you meant.

Worth pointing out that Conor Lamb is a white guy who was the son of a lobbyist for PNC Financial Services and the grandson of the Democratic Majority Leader in the Pennsylvania State Senate and the State Secretary of Legislative Affairs under Governor Bob Casey Sr (of Planned Parenthood v. Casey fame). His uncle is the Controller of Pittsburgh.

Bernie did not have a steady job till he was like 45, and that only steady job he’s had is politician

Wait till he finds out how much work it is being a Senator

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We’ll see if this is a line of attack that can be used against Desantis in his re-election.

In the intervening months since Russia invaded Ukraine, oil prices have risen, inflation has increased, and the state of Florida has reportedly lost millions due to investment in Russia. Even before the losses, Florida Democrats had urged the state to divest itself from the money it’s invested in Russian companies.

In the tweet thread from Learned on May 3, the Brandon lawmaker said that not only had Florida’s pension fund lost $200 million due to its investments in Russia, the state had actually “increased its holdings in Russia from June to December during the runup to war.” By comparison, Learned said Florida has just $80,000 invested in Ukraine.

Nobody related to anyone with money or power can ever be supported, except the son of a bank lobbyist. JLawOk

This will go down as one of the biggest failures to rise to the occasion in the history of American democracy. Just utter incompetent to recognize the situation and actually deliver. It’s maddening. Winning in 2020 was being thrown a live preserver after falling overboard. Doing what the dems have done is taking a selfie with the life preserver, posting it on Instagram for the likes and gofundme donations, then promptly tying a couple bricks to it and posing in kente cloth to get more likes as you watch the life preserver sink to the depths of the ocean. At least we got those likes, am I right?


Investing in Russia the last 20 years could be easily researched and in 5 minutes of googling you would realize it’s a terrible idea. None of the profits will ever go to smalltime shareholders, they siphon all the profits to the oligarchs and Putin

That’s called “diversification”.

it’s not quite like that. a foreign investment comes in, and usually makes initial money and starts increasing scale. at some point they are so successful they get a visit from the tax service. pretty soon investigators show up. then all of a sudden there’s an opportunity to sell at a very reasonable discount to a shell ltd whose officers happen to be a grandma of someone at rosneft bank.

plenty of western investors made money, then cut and run.


I can’t even

I just

cue rage-induced screaming


NOW it’s the one thing you all care about? NOW?


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Pretty sure that was my take going all the way back to the primary. It’s a big part of the reason Pete was in my top 3, and why I wanted him contesting the primary longer and being on the debate stages longer. That and he does a great job of framing some of our core policies in ways that can sell them to right wingers.

I was pretty OK with Pete until he decided to run against universal healthcare. And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that democracy reform is the whole ballgame 5 years after the Democrats were supposed to have the presidency and the house of reps locked down more or less forever.

Pete was FOR universal healthcare. He wasn’t for Bernie’s M4A plan, which was one of many possible methods to get to universal healthcare.

Whatever. He also understood that no health care plan would pass without democracy reform, which is why he promised to spend his day 1 political capital on democracy reform. He was the only one in the primary that made it his #1 priority.

Which is why I’m yelling


Lololol no.