2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?


Hmmm, Mandel is crazy, Vance is an idiot. Does Tim Ryan have a shot?

Shut up @SweetSummerChild let me be!

Well, RIP my Predicit account. Who knew Trump would forgive JD?

It never gets normal to me that any Republican running for a national seat has to, at some point, eat the big shit pill and endorse a completely disproved lie that the presidential election was rigged. Trump makes sure to get that in writing in his endorsements

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Itā€™s not a big shit pill. Itā€™s only an incremental change. They have been denying the legitimacy of any Democratic governance since Obamaā€™s first day. This is the logical progression.

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Pathetic scum kissing Trumpā€™s ring.

If Don had any common sense, heā€™d sit back and play kingmaker for next POTUS instead of running himself. No work with most of the power.

Probably no real power after the election. If his people win maybe they give him a console with buttons to push that mostly donā€™t do anything. The diet coke button has to be active to give him the impression of being in charge.

lol, didnā€™t the Supreme Court overturn a decision to strike some other stateā€™s racist map down because it was too close to the election? likeā€¦months ago?

What a joke democracy in this country has become.

McMuffin is a shit sandwich but what are you gonna do.

Good plan. A Democrat has literally zero shot and McMullin is definitely better than Mike Lee.

A rare show of strategic competence from Democrats.


Holy shit, they actually did it!

Didnā€™t think they had it in them. Theyā€™re elite at not making obvious +EV moves.

I donā€™t think heā€™ll win, but at least itā€™s a sweat.

Lol at you guys. If this works out in Utah, all that means is the eDems will be more certain that they only lose because of progressives and they should be moving to right and making more deals with Rs. Maybe McMullin could be the next nominee after Biden!

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Also saying he wonā€™t caucus with either party. Fine, but still a shit sandwich.

Fucking McMuffin. Canā€™t he just say heā€™s caucus with the GOP and then be their Manchin or Sinema.

Note to everyone: If McMullin wins, heā€™s going to suck. Worse than Joe Manchin. Maybe worse than Romney and Collins. It is still a good thing if he wins.

Maybe he thinks saying this maximizes his chances.I have no idea what his real plan is.

Strike ā€˜maybeā€™.