2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

They did that on purpose because they thought the expiring benefit would motivate people to vote for democrats lolololol

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Great question. Joe? Jen? Dept of Education report on POTUS’ ability to forgive loans? Nothing from those sources I’ve heard recently. What I have seen in the news recently is SoFi’s CEO exploiting the Biden administration’s pathetic lack of action/information on this subject by jumping in and urging the govt to restart payments, possibly with $10K in forgiveness (lol). Restarting payments would, of course, be beneficial to borrowers because of the current “uncertainty.”

“American borrowers and future college students need clarity to make long-term financial decisions, but the burden of uncertainty around the future of their student loan debt is making that impossible.” --Anthony Noto, SoFi CEO

Look, SoFi is just scraping by and has some expenses, such as the estimated $625 million they are shelling out for fucking naming rights of the LA stadium. (SoFi Stadium naming-rights deal to total $625M by end of contract) Great business: chiselling away from people busting ass on an education vital to land anything approaching a decent job so your business gets its name out there.

“Ten K, Jack? That’s a lot of scratch, that’s a good car, a good Vette. I remember Pell Grants, those are great. Let’s increase those 10 percent, or heck 20 percent, everyone deserves a decent education. Man, could my dad drive a car!” – POTUS, old

In 2024 he might as well go with “Mexico will pay off student loans.” So far it looks like they’ve forgiven the ultra-predatory loans from for-profit universities and the like. They do this and simply push out the big numbers like “we cancelled ELEVEN BILLION in loans so far” hoping no one knows (everyone knows) the whole number of SL debt in the US is like $1.7-$1.8 trillion (oddly about the same $ Trump’s idiotic tax cut cost). I mean even the wall got like 1% built under Trump, didn’t it?


Lamb is going to lose by 30 points and the takeaway will still somehow be “damn progressives”


Tit for tat. Progressive candidates should maybe consider going scorched earth more often on centrists in the primaries.

Wait, Fetterman skipped the debate??? What the fuck?

Fetterman has committed to three televised debates in late April and early May. He said he chose to participate in those debates because they’ll have wider reach. Sunday’s was broadcast on the Pennsylvania Cable Network, while the other debates are set for primetime airing on network TV.

Seems fine

Ah, good. Hope he’s ready to give a good answer about the gun incident. Seems way more likely to hurt him in the primary than the general.

It is a complete nothingburger. His opponents are desperate to find something, anything to pin on him but his lifetime of actions makes the attack laughable.

I agree, but it could lead to some devastating attack ads for underinformed primary voters. At least primary voters are going to tend to be more well-informed.

Seems to be Republican infighting over Mehmet Oz.


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I just view this as political malpractice. How did no staffer cull tweets before he ever announced?

This guy has no focus.

Clearest letthemfight.jpg of all time

fetterman probably should just skip the rest of the debates


he has the name recognition, but man the more he’s exposed the more it’s clear on a personal level, he’s a republican type, willing to just lie about everything (which is good in politics) but man why do people keep liking blatant liars like this. (not just this tweet, there’s more, it’s not great but he just needs to run out the clock he’s got the name recognition and most people don’t know)

that race vs oz is gonna be bizarre, down to how many PA dem women liked watching the oz show during the day and how some of those times he actually tried to talk to black people and it didn’t go well come out.

Wait Fetterman is totally full of shit? That’s a bummer, I liked what little I’d seen from him.

I mean, fulfill the requirements and get the signatures on time. Imagine expecting GOP judges to be like “Yeah we’ve always sort of ignored this law and we’ll continue to do so for both parties!”

eDems are such losers.

lol I assumed he was talking about Lamb until I saw y’alls replies. Lamb is as republican type as it gets.

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Trump-backed Charles Herbster is the front-runner in Nebraska’s Republican gubernatorial primary.



A wheatrich post using a Connor Lamb attack ad as its source no less.

Wow, an actual “what was she wearing tho” sighted in the wild.