2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I’m not so sure 51% of Indiana voters agree with banning interracial marriage. The state is 21% non-white, so presumably you need 30/79 or 38% of white people to be cool with interracial marriage.

I know it’s not quite that simple, but I would assume that of the percentage of non-white people who don’t support interracial marriage, quite a few don’t want it to be illegal, they just don’t like it.

Another way to look at it is that 33% of Indiana adults have a college degree, and very few of them are likely to want to ban interracial marriage. So you need 27% of the rest to get to 51%.

I think there are actually lines that they can cross where they manage to blow their huge built-in advantage. Nominating a pedophile was one in Alabama. I think candidates could blow the politics on the Russia/Ukraine war enough to lose races in red areas, like I think Tucker Carlson would be unelectable in most places now. I think trying to literally take us back to the 1950s on social issues is another way. Taking us back to pre-Roe on abortion could also be a way. In some cases, these red lines would kick in for talking about it, in others they would have to actually do it and then face the backlash. Of course that’s all dependent on actually having free/fair enough elections.

Maybe the joke’s on me, though.

Honestly, Trump/Palin is what we deserve.

Roy Moore wins a special election in 2022.

He wafflecrushes if it’s at the same time as a presidential election.

Wat? Tucker still beats anyone but Florida Man.

True. But plenty of that 33% will hold their nose and vote GOP for other reasons: “Of course I don’t think interracial marriage should be illegal. That’s bad, but it’s not nearly as bad as allowing critical race theory in our schools”

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You forgot to log into SweetSummerChild

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Mitt don’t like Mike.


While some moderate Democrats concede Republicans may try and paint Lamb as similarly liberal, they believe it won’t ring as true.

Lol… They’re even admitting they’ll call either one a socialist. I would bet it’ll ironically ring more true on Lamb. Fetterman connects with voters more authentically, which makes him less vulnerable to the standard attacks.

“The ability of a progressive Democrat to flip a Republican Senate seat to a Democratic Senate seat, historically that’s a very difficult thing to overcome,” said Christina Proctor, who chairs the Democratic Party in Washington County.

Yeah historically it’s impossible because you assholes always knife the progressive in the primary so they never get to try.


This is possibly true, the only thing worse than a SOCIALIST is a SECRET SOCIALIST!

Man this guy is really going to stress test the limits of whether there is any human too repulsive for Republican voters.


When he wins it will conclusively prove that Republicans aren’t racist, according to them

I think he means CTE.


Fetterman’s so authentic, that both Kenyatta and Lamb have gotten significantly more endorsements from groups and people.

Those things don’t matter in 2022 sure but seems like people paying the most attention in PA do not agree with you.

Fixed that for you.

Lolol dems are going to try harder than the GOP to nuke Fetterman.

gee is that because he didn’t even try to talk to any of them? cause he doesn’t

many of those orgs don’t kowtow either but you have set a narrative and that’s that you are too far gone and it’s sad. (joe manchin hasn’t gotten in the way of a dem judge nominee either but you’ll probably write another 100 posts on that nonsense too)

Are there any specific organizations you have in mind as a group whose support Fetterman should be seeking?

“We tried.” A sure winner



“Working hard, thank you!”

Jesus, that “got handed a bag of garbage” ad is pathetic, feels like it’s essentially admitting defeat. Also from that article:

the health insurance subsidies included in the party’s American Rescue Plan, which the Biden administration previously described as “a historic tax cut to reduce Americans’ health care costs.”

Those subsidies are set to expire at the end of the year, meaning that millions of Americans on individual health insurance plans will receive notices about increased premiums in October — right before the November elections.

A+ shooting yourself in the foot, A++ if somehow student loan payments restarting also fits into this timeline