2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Looks like it’s Hal Rogers of Kentucky. He’s 84 years old and has been in the House since 1981.

Guy is 100% there until he dies. He got 55% of the votes back in 1992. 74% has been his worst since then. Eastern Kentucky fucking loves him.

apparently hal won the tiebreaker

no idea what that is age?

another R is next in line, not that it matters, dingell had it for 20 years so

Feinstein is 88… oh shit

and her husband just died a few weeks ago well then

Relevant to “teh olds” discussion, but it’s Alaska.

I think Don Young died as well.


Is six figures per speech not enough for her?

Said the same shit about running against Lisa Murkowski and that didn’t happen

Couple years in the House then Trump/Palin 2024? That’d really be the lunatic right coming full circle, wouldn’t it?

“I told y’all I could see Putin coming in 2008, and the liberal media made it a gotch-ya, but guess what? Putin gotch-ya all. I said I could see him rear his head, and made a funny about seeing Russia from Alaska, but I was deadly serious, don’t ya know? Instead you picked Obummer and he let Putin walk all over 'im, and now me and President Trump alone can fix it!”

This is 2024, not the midterms, but @skydiver8 what are the chances your boy takes a run at this piece of shit?


Or maybe Donnelly wants a rematch. Dems didn’t turn out very well in 2018 in that race, and it was 51-45. Make the whole race about this comment and turn out the base, who knows?

@skydiver8 imo

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I fixed it, thanks!

I’ve heard the current Mayor of Indy, who is very popular, is considering a run. He’s very experienced and has won statewide before (Secretary of State, in the early 90’s), and he seems to be well respected even by state republicans.

IN is pretty red now, though, so who knows.

I highly doubt Pete will run for anything in 2024. He’s doing a good job in a position that’s become important since it seems infrastructure is the only thing Biden will get done. He’s also got babies, a house in Michigan, and I’d bet my entire bankroll that they won’t be moving back to IN ever again.

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Now that is interesting.

Braun issues “Please disregard that really stupid shit I said earlier” satement:

Man I’d love to interview him on live tv right about now about his “misunderstanding” of the question…

“So, Senator Braun, to clarify here, are you too racist to be a United States Senator, or are you too stupid to be a United States Senator? Or, don’t let me limit you here, is it both?”



That’s ok, I’d lose it after I sucker punched him at the end of the interview anyway.

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IN is never voting for Hogsett. The entire state would prefer to nuke Indy off the map due to our diversity and dirty liberals. Everyone thinks this city is a crime infested shithole.

The part Democrats seem to not understand is that the majority of voters in these deplorable shithole states agree with these pieces of shit. That’s why they say this stuff. Their only concern is a primary challenge.