2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I have a friend who is only sending electronic invitations for her son’s bar mitzvah because some people in our own neighborhood never got the ones we mailed this past fall.

Lol they are so fucking old

**** And only after they were shamed into it after Jen Psaki’s flippant response to a reporter at a press conference


fyp, fyi

Welp, you called it. The implied is no longer implied. (Apparently this first aired during the super bowl, but I just saw it on tv for the first time tonight)

Death for Florida AG.


When was the last time one of these fuckos even breathed a word about Afghanistan? Also gotta love “On pace to surpass record for annual homicides” quote. Lets see, I think I got it here. Ohhhhh, I see, they forgot the asterisk.

Ill add it here.

*In Philadelphia.

Oh, and no big surprise the likely NRA trout sniffer simply forgot to add this first line of the article to his ad as well. Im sure there is just coincidence there.

“Driven largely by skyrocketing rates of gun violence”

Gun violence is mostly caused by people not having firearms to defend themselves. That’s just common sense.

Obv. When you own a gun it opens up a portal in space time that allows you to go back and stop the killing that happened. Everyone knows this

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Dirty. Who’d have guessed?


Welp fellow Oklahomans on here: I’m hearing that Scott Pruitt (former disgraced EPA head and darkhorse candidate for world’s biggest scumbag) is considering a Senate run. He’s almost certain to win considering the dumb as rocks voting public here. We just keep electing worse people every year here.


well, he used to be AG of Oklahoma, so it’s the same guy, not a worse guy

Also true.




  1. Let that sink in

is nancy the dean now?