2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?



Nah, Biden’s failure is lack of positioning Dems to win an impending race war. He’s not militant enough on racial grievance politics.

Lol, the day Victor starts siding with Kelhus.

You’ve completely lost the thread, bub


Why even come in here?

Does anybody on this forum disagree with this other than Social Media Brain guy and conservative leaning outliers that criticize Biden for being too progressive?

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Yeah but it’s not because people disagree with you or because people aren’t allowed to criticize Biden, it’s because conservative talking points about Joe Biden being a SOCIALIST and CRITICAL RACE THEORY are idiotic Fox News takes. No one is leaping to the defense of Joe Biden, but we are going to laugh our asses off at people that take Fox News seriously.

Don’t you think you’d get more traction if you were honest with people? Like seriously:

a common leftist critique of Biden and the Dems and the liberals is that they indeed push identity and grievance politics without substance instead of supporting material changes

This is a fair point! Why not lead with this instead of the usual “waaaaah I’m not allowed to criticize Biden” posts that you usually make?


I’m sure it’s not. But there is valid criticism (and plenty of it!) and there is stupid criticism. It seems like the context you’re missing is that the poster in question has been spewing Fox News diarrhea ideas on the forum since he arrived. Stupid is stupid, whether it’s a criticism of Biden or not.

Well, I disagree pretty strongly that the Ds use racial grievances and it’s pretty rich coming from our resident right winger using actual racial grievances all over the place.

I think the actual leftist critique is that Ds are way too patient and lacking in demanding basic equality and rights for everybody. And further, they treat those lacking efforts as a substitute for economic rights for all, when it should be in addition to.

We agree, Ds use token meaningless gestures as a substitute for actual policy. Racial grievance would be if Ds sought to stoke resentment against the white man and persecute him as our resident right winger believes. Similar to what our right winger has actually been doing to the homeless.

We should be stoking resentment against the white man.

Would you settle for stoking resentment againt the orange man?

I’m currently reading The Autobiography of Malcolm X. How’s that?

There are a lot of white people who are leaving the Democratic Party over stuff like immigration and law enforcement and who won’t be bribed into returning by M4A or student loan forgiveness. Either compromise on the stuff they care about or turn them into the enemy.

This is only happening because chicken shit loser Dems have completely failed to offer a (factual) response to propaganda. Fuck’em.

You still care too much about facts and haven’t embraced the new normal of a post-truth era of permanent campaign. The eDems are just stick further in the past than you.

so many we got’ems


Doing this without actually doing progressive policy is one of the rare political strategies that might be worse than the current strategy.

Good framing because it appeals to anti-white racial grievances or bad framing because it turns off whites with racial grievances?


Lol who cares, that money going to the new military spending now. Student loan szn is back.