2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?






So what you’re saying is that WAAF

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This seems like some “Principal Skinner Am I Out of Touch” action to me. The Dems are going to get smashed after 2 years of bumbling ineffectual governing and then blame inflation.

Change rustles people. They want things to stay predictably the same. Noticeable inflation just throws change in their face.

inflation impacts everyone, everything else you want them to do only impacts a small % of the population

so you are principal skinner on this one

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I don’t think it’s irrational.

Stuff costs X% more. Most workers got a pay raise of less than X%.

Therefore, all other things being equal, quality of life goes down.

Definitely some truth to that. I’m just laughing at the imaginary eDems in my head that think they’ve done everything right but that darn inflation snuck up on 'em, ah well. Your logic will never defeat my irrational hatred of fictional eDems I have invented for this purpose.

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Well, in the Dems defense, they did pull away the $300 per month, so now the voters won’t be able to make this error!


Quality of life, financially, has gone up for the majority of those who consume the products that have gone up in price - which is in part due to the stimulus + money saved from lockdowns among other things. Overbidding on new vehicles/houses isn’t just due to the supply chain. Prices are high because a lot of folks would still pay for it.

I actually think the Dems might be in okay electoral shape if schools were all completely open and there were no mask mandates anywhere.

What schools aren’t open at this point?

Fully open with no temporary closures and no restrictions on extracurriculars.

We are sort of past that already outside of sparse mask mandates which are about to go away and the few effects left are in deep blue areas. Dems problems run much deeper than this.

Dems really gonna try this? Amazing


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Who could have ever seen it coming. Shitting all over your base to try to work with people who openly despise you has yielded no meaningful progress on the issues that animate voters. Weird.

So after running on student debt cancellation, climate change, economic inequality, health care and corruption, and having done jack shit about any of it, they will still blame the left, who have had zero power and rolled over for the dogshit infrastructure bill based on Grandpa’s lies.

100% guaranteed the lesson they take from the incoming shellacking is “run someone further right in 2024.”


So you’re saying Sinema is a genius, after all?

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I want to understand where you’re at on this… do you actually think black people are in the wrong on racial issues in the US?

He views white supremacy as a “cultural issue” rather than a 200 plus year bedrock of society that still needs addressing… Its sort of an irreconcilable difference of views so it isnt worth getting into a debate over.

He’s a racist trolling idiot who’s been banned a jillion times from 22. Proceed accordingly.