2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Hot take: I’d take Tebow over any current R senator outside of Romney, Collins and Murkowski.

Definitely room temperature take.

If you’d take him over any including those the then maybe you’re lukewarm.

I’d take Tebow over Collins, snap call

I question the wisdom of putting 34-year-old Tebow in if he would have an incumbency advantage for potentially decades in a seat that has a shot at becoming winnable in the near future unless you think he’s going to do such a bad job that he puts a red state seat in play.

Not a chance. Tebow is dumb, real dumb, very very religious, and very conservative. He would be a disaster.


Yeah I feel like the “dumb” part can’t be overstated. He wouldn’t mastermind anything terrible but would just blithely go along with whatever deplorable stuff they tell him to vote for. No chance he’s doing any deep thinking to decide to compassionately break ranks with the rest or anything.


Exactly, and he’d think God is leading him to make his decisions which is always terrifying, imo.

Yes but what if Tebow is the incredibly rare dumbest kind of Christian which is one who actually believes in the bible and ultra dumb things like “do unto others” and “love thy neighbor” and applies that to his actual day to day life did you think of that huh

Got news for ya buddy, none of them are breaking ranks

We’re grading on a scale against R senators. I mean would you take Rubio or Ron Johnson or Pat Toomey or Ted Cruz over religious Gronk? Sure he’s dumb and super religious but he seems nice.

He, and others like him, would “break bad” once he got into a political confrontation where he felt Ds treated him unfairly.

Gronk is religious?

This is who I meant by “religious Gronk”

This guy is a manlet compared to Gronk.

meh, they were both NFL tight ends


Being ostensibly nice is part of what makes him dangerous, imo.

These people always come up with ways to rationalize evil when push comes to shove. Always.

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Rand Paul with an ad immediately post super bowl endorsing some guy for the Ohio Senate seat I’ve never heard of (not Mandel or Vance). Maybe it’s just because I watch literally 0 tv anymore and haven’t followed the race.

gibbons just took the lead on predict it though he had gotten to the pack before the ad

paul is popular in parts of ohio, that isn’t nothing
