2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I haven’t looked at the specifics, but isn’t another interpretation that the GOP was already damn-near perfectly gerrymandered and didn’t stand to gain as much from improving their gerrymanders as Dems did from adding some in states without them?

gop gerrymandering has moved past trying to achieve majority. they’ve moved to maintaining their majority with an even smaller overall share of the electorate. thus putting more of their districts out of reach.

Right, it’s this. Also a less gerrymandered map paradoxically opens up more opportunities for the GOP in 2022 if it’s truly the epic red wave year it looks like, since it also means less super safe blue seats.

To be fair Herschal also probably forgot


Is this the longest running continuous theme in the E’s history? Vince still uses it, right?

I have no idea, I stopped watching wrestling in high school. Back then it was still The Rock and Austin, and WCW had Sting and Hogan in the nWo.

That’s why all my references are to old stuff lol


The bill’s lead sponsor, Republican state Rep. John Fillmore, referred to the move as a “12-committee lynching” in an interview with CNN affiliate KPHO/KTVK.


Has Jerry Lawler’s changed?

Ahhhh good pull.

That’s huge. I thought we were completely fucked in Arizona and took it off my map, this means it’s still probably in play. Have they done any new voter suppression since 2020?

Arizona still being in play is huge because it means we have multiple pathways to the presidency and can lose Wisconsin or Michigan due to potential laws like this one, and still have at least a narrow pathway to victory.

Not sure. I’m only keeping one eye on AZ since I’m not living there now. I do know they have tried to limit the power of the Dem SoS. @TheDuker will know more.

Yeah I posted that article in the War on Voting thread this morning. It’s a relief but not really a surprise, it was just so extreme it never had a chance. In addition to the Legislature Review part, it basically eliminated early voting and mail-in voting which is insane. We’ve had the Permanent Early Voter List (where they send you a mail-in ballot for every election automatically) for like 20 years and everybody loves it.

They have gotten some new restrictive laws through since the election, but I think they’re fairly minor-league stuff that’s not likely to have any significant effect for 2024.

For example, there were laws related to ballot harvesting and votes cast in the wrong place that SCOTUS upheld last year. There were also some changes to early voting, and as Devil mentioned, some restrictions on the SoS. This was because the SoS is currently a Dem and the AG is a Trumpy Republican.

The reason this big law wasn’t going to go anywhere is that although the legislature is controlled by Republicans, I don’t think the majority of them are insane over-the-top deplorables. There are plenty of course, but the Senate is worse than the House (they’re the ones who ordered the audit). I’m not sure if the Senate has already passed this bill tbh, and I’m kind of scared to look.

Similarly, the Maricopa County government is controlled by Republicans, but they fought against the stupid CyberNinjas audit every step of the way, and ultimately issued a detailed report about how full of shit the audit was.


My favorite part was the combination of:

  • Eliminating early voting
  • Eliminating mail-in voting
  • Eliminating electronic tallying
  • A 24 hour limit on counting votes

Like I’d rather have a shot to win the state, but part of me would get a huge LOL of watching them fail to count the votes by hand in 24 hours. Although, I guess that’s the point, right? Cities would have way more trouble counting in 24 hours than rural areas.

Shit, man, I started typing this post to make fun of how stupid they are, and realized by the end that it was probably intentional and suppressive.

Explicit anti-democracy still paying pretty well overall. Fwiw, Lee will have to burn some of his money in the primary.

I guess this belongs here too:

I ain’t reading that, but backing her in a primary is different from endorsing her in a general. It wouldn’t surprise me that much if he did it, though.

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womp, womp.

I can’t wait till we get Senator Tim Tebow in Florida.

Praise Jesus.