2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Georgia isn’t going to have the swings anywhere else did or probably will as it’s more like IL demographically than VA.

so I’m saying there’s a chance


It’s Quinnipiac so subtract 20 points from the dems and add 20 points to the republicans.

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Quinnipiac polls have become like the left’s own little Q thing.

I just can’t see how Democrats get any kind of turnout after this shit show of an administration plus voter suppression.


Their “accomplishments” even play right into the average person’s natural inclination that they’re disconnected, corrupt Washington politicians who don’t do anything for the working class.

Dems: You have to re-elect us, we did a great job! We got a stimulus bill passed and gave you all $1,400 checks, we…

Voter: Wait a minute, that’s true, but you said you’d give us $2,000.

Dems: You’re a smart guy, voter, you knew what we really meant! Anyway, we also passed the bipartisan infrastructure bill, and…

Voter: Hold on, when do I get my check from that?

Dems: There are no checks for you in the bipartisan infrastructure bill, it’s infrastructure!

Voter: How much was in that bill?

Dems: $1.2 trillion!

Voter: And nothing for me?

Dems: Roads and bridges!

Voter: The roads near me still have potholes. What else ya got?

Dems: Well those things take time, but we have a new Supreme Court justice! Her name is…

Voter: Isn’t it still going to be 6-3?

Dems: Well, yes, but we can only fill the openings that are…

Voter: So what difference will it make to me?

Dems: Well…

Voter: Is she writing me a check for $1,400?

Dems: Uhh, no, but…

Voter: Maybe you should go try to find 81 million billionaires to vote for you, jackass.


Hyperbole, but some truth in it.

Late October 2020 QU polls had Biden winning Ohio and Florida, with Iowa and Texas being nearly coin flips.

In 2018, they had Desantis losing governor and Rick Scott losing senator, both by 7 points.

They can’t even pass legal weed, man. It’s hopeless.


This right here is going to be Democrats biggest hurdle in 2022 and 2024.

The lives of many people who voted for Biden/Democrats are simply not better than they were under Trump. I can easily make an argument that my life is slightly worse.

I’ll still vote Democrats in 2022/24, but I’m not going to be enthusiastic about it.

The Rs are stealing this 100%. They can put this in the “HOW DARE THE DEMOCRATS TRY TO TELL YOU WHAT TO PUT IN YOUR BODY FIRST IT WAS THE VACCINES AND NOW IT’S THIS!” framing box and they will absolutely capture another voting block that should be 100% Dems.


simply stated, supply chains/inflation/covid/etc >>>>>>>>>>>> everything else this forum wants them to do.

I will definitely vote for Democratic senators in '22 and '24, and for the presidential candidate, since I live in PA. I’m undecided on my House race - if we lose it, we already lost the House anyway. So it seems like if I want to send a message, that’s the race to vote third party in.

I will not be door knocking or volunteering, unless it’s for progressives in the primary (or again in the general perhaps). If others who did that stuff before are similarly disenfranchised, that’s going to be a problem.

Part of the problem is that they’ve been trying to do a half measure on COVID. They should have either gone full DeSantis and said, “You know what? Vaccines work, masks work. People who want to have the tools to protect themselves, do whatever you want,” or… “You know what? Enough’s enough, shots in arms, now, mandated.”

Americans like guts, they don’t like being held back by others (both sides of this issue think they’re being held back). To me this is a pretty obvious, guttural type of response, and if you see what people are saying, how they’re acting, it’s obvious. But some focus group probably tried to triangulate the position that’s the closest to the most moderate voters or something, so we get a half measure.

Agreed on supply chains and inflation. They should be leaning on the Fed to increase the rate, because most people don’t want inflation and don’t get hit personally by a stock market pullback. There can be knock-on effects, but like pain is going to be felt one way or another, try to prove that you’re putting it on the billionaires and not the working class.

Problem is they don’t represent us, they represent the billionaires.


You forgot to add “make sure you are up to date on your student loan payments”, which is going to be the biggest kick in the nuts come midterms.


Yeah, the second biggest problem after they restart student loans is that they made a huge bet on being the party to defeat COVID and then sucked at it.

Kinda this, but also that there’s absolutely no accomplishments to offset the bad stuff.

If people could say “Yeah, gas prices are up over a dollar, but at least Biden/Democrats got (insert issue here) done and that’s really been a positive in my life”, then maybe some of the problems wouldn’t be so bad.

I got $65,000 in student loans forgiven because of Biden, and an additional $5500 in “overpayments” refunded. There are, I understand, tens or hundreds of thousands of people in a like position so that’s not nothing. But yeah, that’s still a drop in the bucket against the US population as a whole. I am definitely better off under Biden then Trump though.


Buckle up!


You know, when I saw that Warnock/Walker poll, I forgot it was Herschel Walker.


And that’s when the Republicans will have my vote for the rest of time. I’m gonna need to be really high for the coming authoritarian savagery.

ETA: That’s dark humor. I think commonWealth’s approach is reasonable and would work for me as well. As I am in Texas, I’m going to spin it a bit and vote for the craziest Republicans in the state primaries. I hate to be that guy, but I think Texas is emerging as a good example of longterm republican evil.

So, since my vote is already suppressed due to the Electoral College, I intend to do my part to try and scare the shit out the rest of the country and shake some goddamn sense into people.

Let’s go Allen West!

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in things you’re all not gonna believe and laugh but is true–GOP didn’t gerrymander as much as Dems did with the US house maps (whether some of those dem maps survive the courts idk, but GOP didn’t gain like they really could’ve)

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