2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

yes this is how metro areas work

It’s the Jefferson Parish PD

In 2018, four Jefferson Parish sheriff’s deputies were accused of — and ultimately not charged with — inflicting “significant traumatic injuries to the neck” of Keeven Robinson, 22, who was arrested and later died. The parents of Eric Parsas, a 16-year-old with autism who died last year after an encounter with law enforcement, filed a federal lawsuit in January against Sheriff Lopinto and seven deputies, claiming the deputies who tried to restrain their son had sat on him for more than nine minutes, leading to his death.

The A.C.L.U. of Louisiana has filed several lawsuits in the past year and a half against the Sheriff’s Office stemming from what it says are incidents of violent beatings and racial profiling.

The organization started filing the lawsuits in an effort to halt the office’s “disturbing pattern” of “deep-rooted racial violence” against Black people, the organization said in a statement this year. From 2013 to 2020, almost three-quarters of the people killed by the police in Jefferson Parish were Black, the organization said, even though Black people make up less than a third of the parish’s population.

Plenty of liberal cities have similarly awful police departments. Maybe slightly less bad, but still… I’m not sure that proves a ton about the electorate.

Also, being 55/45 doesn’t tell the whole story. Is that 55% tax cut Republicans to 45% centrist establishment Dems? Well, that’s the same as any suburban area in the Northeast, basically. Is that 55% MAGA lovers to 45% Bernie lovers? Well, that’s a little different.

The percentage of vehemently and overtly racist people in Jefferson Parish is probably much higher than in a 55/45 county in the Northeast, so it’s Trumpier…

But we’re way in the weeds with this. I think the main question is whether Louisiana goes blue more often than other Deep South states because of more suburban areas (which it may or may not even have, we’re not sure), or whether there is some other reason?

While that may be part of it, I think the more likely explanation actually traces back to the history of the area. The territory East of the Mississippi River was British, whereas we bought Louisiana from the French, and the Spanish also had some influence there historically. As a result, the culture is a bit different, and the breakdown of religions is a bit different. Specifically, Louisiana has way more Catholics than other states. Keep in mind that a majority of Protestants today are going to be Evangelical.

Protestant 53%
Catholic 22%
Unaffiliated 19%
Other 4%
Jewish 1%

Protestant 77%
Catholic 4%
Unaffiliated 14%
Other 2%

78% Protestant
7% Catholic
12% Unaffiliated
2% Other

Catholics are going to skew way more towards Democrats than Protestants, thus the Louisiana electorate is quite a bit different.

Jefferson Parish is weird, it includes very white suburbs of New Orleans (with a mix of old money country club republicans and super trumpy white working class) but it stretches all the way down to the gulf and includes some extremely backwoods bayou areas. But the main thing is it’s basically all super trumpy

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where does Gregg Abbott go to get his apology?


wow seems like mandel is way more her speed than phoney baloney vance

he’s just SO BAD at pretending to be a deplorable. “take the country back from the scumbags” is exactly what someone pretending to be a deplorable would sound like.

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lol at anyone in the MSM who ever took this guy seriously.

yeah I’m gonna put some $ against vance, don’t see how he pulls this off

all he had to was socialists and he would’ve been fine there, even if the deplorables aren’t saying that just socialism BAD is enough

You kinda missed your shot, Vance is tanking on PI.

it’s gone down half recently, but there’s still meat on the bone

in before trump endorsement and it goes back up and lol me tho

in doesn’t matter anyway but lol gop news in kentucky–looks like they forgot to get a candidate for a trump +45 district for the KY house

deadline was today

no state is this red

Lol, you’ll have to pry their seats from their cold, dead eDem hands


Good for her

Man the republican wave that appears to be coming in 2022 is going to be breathtaking. I’m starting to think the dems might lose the NY governorship.

Hard to believe there’s no one younger than 82 in this area of California who could run for the seat

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Better than I expected



We’re not doing poll tracking again, are we? Can we put all reporting on polls in a containment thread so I can avoid them, lol.

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