2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I’m not dropping this in the Good News thread because his successor is liable to be even worse:

The epitome of the dumbass right…never forget


Oh man, the good old days. So quaint.

Does anyone see an opening here for Dems to go HAM on Russia and Putin in the court of public opinion with a level of aggressive rhetoric straight out of the Cold War and hammering certain Republicans for prior favorable statements towards Russia and Putin?

The most obvious target is Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, who can be hit hard for his Fourth of July trip to Russia.

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Oh, there’s an opening. They won’t use it, though. At least not effectively.

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That would be “going low” and lord knows Democrats don’t do that.

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This is something where activists may be able to push the party because it doesn’t directly threaten corporate interests.



Michelle Obama doesn’t catch enough flack for the whole when they go low, we go high. That’s like the worst strategy against these fuckers.


They should definitely hammer the patriotism button and question the leanings of Republicans supporting Russia. Remember when the Republican response to any questioning of the Iraq war turned back to “DoNt YoU sUpPoRt ThE tRoOpS???”

Well, there’s a version of that approach to use here and they should use it cause it works.

Usually they don’t fight too hard on topics where the billionaires don’t want them to. This one should be different. It’s an opening for the Romneys, McConnells, etc, to join up with everyone right of the DSA in order to vanquish Trumpism and the DSA, which is a deal probably 95% of the Democratic Congressional Caucus would take.

Great line in a speech, terrible political strategy.

Definitely a case where Dems need to say one thing and do the opposite.

Yeah, the problem is that people actually took it seriously!

Yeah, this.

The Democratic Party needs a relatively high level person who is just an unrepentant asshole.

Someone who makes solid points but does it in the most dickish way possible. And in this scenario it would be important for the Democratic leadership and rank-and-file to treat this person like the GOP does with Trump (e.g. “I don’t approve of the tone or the way he/she says things, but let’s look at the substance”).

The closest thing I can think of was when Alan Grayson gave that speech about how the Republican Party healthcare plan was for people to “die quickly”. Democrats need 4 or 5 people to be like that all the time. Right now they have zero people acting like that even some of the time.

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We need someone who says the quiet parts out loud and doesn’t mind getting death threats.


it’s the gas prices stupid

I don’t want to bother estimating what that bloodbath is gonna be at thiose numbers

It’s good life advice though. As much as we need Dems fighting in the mud for the knife with Rs right now, for normal citizens constantly throwing literal or figurative punches at people you disagree with will make you miserable and eventually ineffective.


You don’t feel as miserable if you don’t see them as real people and learn to enjoy it.

I don’t think that’s true. Even to the extent that conservatives manage to manufacture a sense of community by attacking “enemies” like ANTIFA or transgender critical race theorists, they do that by chattering among themselves about the scourge or Radical Socialists that is ruining America, not by actually arguing with Radical Socialists. For one thing, their enemies are largely made up so they would have a hard time finding them anyway.

this survey was actually conducted before the russian invasion, yes?