2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

i don’t remember seeing Devin N. on the chart

lol this time next year he’ll be suing Trump for non-payment.


This is my take as well. He’s positioning himself to have an important role in the post 2024 dictatorship.





I think the Washingon Generals always played by the rules too.



What is he afraid of?


He could just legally change his name? TheGreatandPowerful Oz would be harder to silence.

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they should really refer to him as Mehmet Hussein Oz.


I’m in the shower right now.

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Is it time to do the bold midterm predictions? I think NY is going to elect a Republican governor in ‘22.

Zero Republicans running for re-election in US senate, US house, state governorship or state attorney general races will be unseated.

Not even sure this is that bold at this point.

Even in wave elections, I think the dominating party loses some elections.

And, it’s certainly possible that some Republicans running for re-election lose in a primary to someone more Trump-y.

I think that scenario happened for Democrats in 2006, so it’s not unheard of.

Yes, this is possible. I wasn’t counting those (nor ones where there are two incumbents because of redistricting).

No chance

Hochul is a milquetoast “centrist” conservative democrat who wasn’t elected to office. The democratic establishment just boxed out an actual progressive / better speaker / better candidate in Letitia James. Next year is going to be the republican wave to end all waves and NY had a republican governor as recently as 2006. I think she’s going to lose. If predictit had a market up yet for it I’d put money on it.

I’ll take action on this. TRUMP is endorsing a bunch of primary challengers.

Yeah that needed the caveat “in the general.”

Yes, this is what I was thinking, but didn’t say. I did clarify: