2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Has your clinic thought about letting therapists work from home?

I take it you can’t throw the money from the unfilled jobs to those remaining.

This combined with 800k people no longer living because of covid are the main reasons for employers not being able to fill jobs. There’s no convincing the cultists of this though.


I mean the vast majority of those people were old though right? Like way, way passed retirement?

One thing I can think of is people getting inheritance and also people in their 60s retiring early because they didn’t want to risk covid. Even though though those people weren’t working the type of jobs that are in short supply. Except truckers I guess.

Again I’m really glad its giving power to workers, its a head scratcher for me so I’m still curious.

I have never seen a ratio this bad


I don’t remember the details, but was it clear why he didn’t want to run against Warnock? Was it because he was going to run for governor?

Isn’t ambassador to Japan just a political patronage job anyway though? CHina, yeah, that’s a real one, but the ambassadorships to our allies are just things the politicians give to big donors because it doesn’t really matter.

They’re going to run Trump-endorsed Herschel Walker (who threatened to kill his wife among many other exhibitions of serious mental illness), maybe he didn’t want to deal with that primary?

He is a white, Republican, former Senator who has always been pro-Trump. He’d mop the floor with Walker if he wanted to.

Not if Trump endorsed Walker, which Trump probably would do. Plus the whole being one of the GOAT college football players that brought UGA it’s last national championship.

Yeah, but he’s not white.

Doesn’t show me the amount of comments for some reason? Did he turn them off?

You have to look on the timeline for some reason.

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I could be misremembering but it seems like the first version of this board used to show all of that when tweets were linked :man_shrugging:

Twitter is becoming very unfriendly to viewing tweets in other places in general, I think it’s a Twitter API thing and not a Discourse issue.

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Thanks. Up to 8.5k to 1k still lolol

Devin Nunes retiring to take a job in Trump Media. Effective end of this month. The drafts of the California redistricting making his district bluer may or may not have been a spark, you’d imagine he’d like to run amok as chair of the intelligence committee again.

Who is actually running Trump media? I can’t imagine Nunes actually getting more than he would get lobbying or w/e

not easy to be in a position where people actually expect you to do shit when you just want to talk in front of a camera saying we should do shit

in other words, he didn’t want to be a democrat

I don’t think he’s doing it for the money. He probably wants to be Stupid Goebbels for Stupid Hitler after they steal the next election.