2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?


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cā€™mon now. trmp was cheating like crazy and had huge head start. heā€™s still cheating hiding his records from nov 2 on.

Trying to campaign on actual issues is dumb.

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The question is did it work because it was a political masterstroke or did it work because Kerry was a weak candidate? Taking a supposed strength of your opponent and trying to turn it into a weakness is kind of political messaging 101. I would assume they thought they were just going to weaken that plank of his messaging, create a little uncertainty around it. My claim is that the fact that it instead developed into a major blow to the campaign is 0% mastery of political tactics and 100% candidate weakness.

Because the alternative is working so well.

Itā€™s academic, Dems arenā€™t even trying, we are fucked.



It was still an incredible move at the time. Most any advisor would have told you it makes no sense for a National Guard guy to go hard at a decorated veteranā€™s record. I think part of Kerryā€™s problem was that is was an off-the-wall nutty accusation that he didnā€™t know how to respond.

not sure if anyone even remembers. there was some fake letter about dubyaā€™s service that was an obvious fake, and his campaign turned the story around like someone is trying to unfairly smear bush.

We also still donā€™t have an ambassador to China or Japan. Just amazing how repubs can speed up shit when they are in charge, and slow shit to a fucking crawl when they are the minority

the problem with some of those issues is that most people just filled out some survey and havenā€™t spent 5 minutes thinking about it so the numbers are somewhat meaningless

alright abortion is something that would motivate people on both sides, the job thing, jobs are good right now except nobody believes that b/c thereā€™s help wanted signs everywhere so thatā€™s out. Nobody believes correctly that anyone can do anything on healthcare anyway.

Dems have the same problem most do, try to appeal to previous shit when people have moved on. Gotta go with the flow, meanwhile nobody cares about BBB anymore so I doubt that actually happens at this point.

How can you be so cynical? It also depends on how tall the person is.

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Our maintenance guy went off about how we canā€™t get anyone to work because Biden is still paying people to stay home. I told him that ended like 8 months ago and the job reports were good and he just refused to believe it. Says people are still getting paid.

He was bitching about inflation and I said its obviously the supply chain. Heā€™s like oh thats just bullshit. Iā€™m like dude we fucking work in logistics, every day weā€™re dealing with the trucker shortage, and he still refuses to believe it lol

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Have we figured out why there is still such a big labor shortage though? Is it just certain sectors because the jobs are shit so people are going to other jobs? Lot of older people died and left inheritance? Lot of older people retired during covid?

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There isnā€™t one.

Show me a job where the pay doesnā€™t suck, the hours are sufficient and consistent, and the working conditions are good, and I can almost guarantee that this job is having zero difficulty being filled.

The only jobs this might not apply to are places that require special licensing (teaching, truck driving, nursing, etc.). There may still be difficulty filling those positions even if they check all the boxes above (though a lot of them donā€™t).


Oh I know, and that makes me happy. Iā€™m glad workers are finally getting paid a fraction of what they deserve. But those positions used to be filled, what are the people who used to fill them doing?

Seems like there are more jobs than people to fill them now. Which is a good thing, employers have to treat people well. Iā€™m just curious what caused it. Do we expect this to go back to how it was before the pandemic?

Over 10,000 people are turning 65 every day in the US. Lots of people are just taking Social Security and making do.

Another factor is that in the white collar workspace in-demand skills are changing faster than people can change. Weā€™re trying to hire 100 data analysts while still paying 100s of people to do things that are very low value.

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And itā€™s about goddamn time.

Now if we could only do that with some of the high ranking fossils in congress.


But they get paid to do what they want to do, fulfill their own egos and build narratives about their self importance. They have no motivation to retire because they donā€™t hate their jobs.

Yeah this is why I always take those stats with a grain of salt.

Joe Schmo answering a poll question about ā€œshould everyone have health careā€: Sure, sounds good!

Joe Schmo reacting to a Democratic candidate campaigning about getting everybody health care: LOL heā€™s gonna triple my taxes and make me go on a waiting list if I ever need cancer treatment or something no thanks bro.


This is an absolutely terrible take. Republicans rush to vote regardless.

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