2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Oh good, Dems are still on their “I’m the real gun-loving tough guy Marine!” bullshit. That always works.


The mention of protest is all it will take lol.

and your idea for winning the state of MISSOURI is? I got nothing

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Checked his Twitter and saw this ad from a couple days ago, which is basically “BUT TEH CHINA!” He’s courting Chiefs Planet, so not really sure it’s even a contest without blowing a few dogwhistles.


Literally the same shit Dems everywhere should have been talking about nationwide: healthcare, jobs, abortions, wages, shit people care about. There’s isn’t a single persuadable voter who gives a fuck about how good you are at shooting guns. No one fucking cares if you were in the Marines.

Dems tried that shit with John Kerry vs a draft-dodging goof and Kerry spent half the campaign defending his service record. Trump shat all over the troops and Republican voters loved it. The flag-waving thing is a bad faith act that Republicans drop instantly when they need to. Somehow Dems think they can out-patriotism their opponents. They can’t.


don’t think anyone cares much about anything you just said either

Except that’s not true. Dems have massive advantages on almost every issue but they’ve spent the past 30 years cosplaying as Republicans and getting washed nationwide. No one is voting for Republican Lite. It kinda worked for Bill Clinton, it hasn’t worked at all since.

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These ads are made by guys like JD Vance and pitched to Acela Belt Dems operatives who have no clue what the hell their base wants. By 2030 we’re going to have Dem candidates bragging about how they can yell “Let’s Go Brandon!” louder than their opponent.

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They’re going to go full David Shor in 2022 and get obliterated.

Predictably, they’re taking the wrong lesson from 2020. Their inoffensive centrist beat the literal least popular president ever by like 50k votes, centrist shitlibs lost all kinds of senate races and they are going to run even further to the center.

Fuck democrats, it’s hopeless, try to enjoy your personal life and find a way to GTFO if you aren’t white/rich.


Hillary could have made a pitch to women that she’s the candidate who will keep Roe from getting gutted. That’s a message you can sell coming from the first viable female candidate. Instead she ran on Orange Man Bad and got clobbered by the host of NBC’s The Apprentice.

Running to the center would be an improvement over tacking further and further right. They’re already running ads with dudes waving AR-15s around, FFS who is the audience for that.

Republican voters are a lot more savvy than Dem strategists give them credit for. They know the Support the Troops, We Love Cops stuff is all kayfaybe, just like WWE fans know pro wrestling isn’t actually real. They know John Cena wasn’t actually a real Marine in real life.

Dems come out with an angle that’s: “My guy is a wrestler who was actually a real Marine in real life! Not like John Cena!” and everyone hates them because that’s not the fucking point. After 30 years of getting clowned on, you’d think they’d have figured this shit out, but they get strategy advice from guys like JD Vance who think wrestling fans believe wrestling is real.


“Responsible Republicans”.

“We need a big, strong Republican Party”

The Democratic Speaker of the House

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If you want a good counter-example of this, it’s Republicans running against Bill Clinton as a draft-dodging pot smoker and getting clobbered because no one actually cares about that shit. There were no swing voters in 1996 who were actually worried about whether someone smoked pot in the 60’s. Maybe my Mormon grandmother was concerned about that.

They didn’t care about him getting a blowjob either, no one actually goes to the voting booth worried about a politican doing the sex with an intern.

It just comes down to how a candidate hits them in the feels.

Al Gore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton we’re just whiny losers. Obama and Clinton were cool at the time. Biden lucked into running against the literal WOAT with 500,000 dead and still almost lost.

Right, like scandals and character flaws are just ways that voters justify their feels about candidates. Clinton, W and Trump were all draft-dodgers, but Kerry was the one who got swiftboated because people didn’t like him.

I think the reason this is not conventional wisdom in DC is self-serving. Like if you’re the GOP ghoul who masterminded Swiftboat Veterans For Truth, what you want to believe is that your 4D chess move carried the day. You don’t want to believe that Kerry was a doomed candidate and anything would have done as a justification for voters.

It’s really just this simple. Voters respond to authenticity.

It’s why Bernie can go to the most rural bumfuck red areas of the country and have people listen to him.

Like on the heels of another school shooting Joe Biden is touting insurance reimbursement for covid tests. I truly hate this guy.


I think these are both true: Kerry was a dogshit candidate, but also the Swiftboat thing completely threw his campaign off message.

Imagine a world where you have Democrats driving Fox News level attention on actual issues. 24/7 dead kids in schools, dead moms who couldn’t afford insulin, there are a million real world issues, just pick one or two and hammer them relentlessly. Responding to Republican bullshit is a sure loser yet they keep taking the bait.

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