2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

are you that triggered by hershel? georgia wasn’t an accident. it’s a state that hinged on suppression for decades and the democrats had given up on since carter. they thought it could only be won by running a southern candidate. that turned out to no longer be enough, but in the last decade the ga electorate not only grew, but became younger, and less white. all the stuff stacey was aware of and pressed hard to mobilize.

Georgia is Illinois urban/Indiana rural it’s not dead but obviously this cycle it’s not great

long run it’ll be democratic tho, other states not so much

We stan a pawn of lizard-man billionaire Michael Bloomberg . Gtfo Stacey

Democrats will have to walk 30 miles each way to vote and then stand in 6 hour lines with no mail in option and pass a literacy/calculus test to vote. It’ll stay republican.

She’s a national candidate now with all of the baggage that comes with that. Republicans are going to rush to the polls to try to defeat her.



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I agree she deserves it but the country would be way better off with her just running the party. I don’t love her politics but she knows how to get out the vote

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Just make it so any refused money goes as a bonus grant to states that allowed access.

Isn’t this a “you can lead a horse to water….” situation…, we are talking about funding public schools here. Not much you can do when this country is filled with nutjobs that insist on electing sociopaths that sabotage their families and neighbors.

The only way to beat republicans is to not run against them because if you run against them they’ll get mad and vote more?


I don’t think it’s a controversial point that the Stacey Abrams and Beto O’Rourkes who have run and lost and become national politicians are probably not the best candidates to try and win local/state elections.

uhh stacey is easily twice as good as beto.


What if we came up with an idea to try and get everyone to drive people the polls.

I don’t have anything off the top of my head but we could do it. Something that really sells the experience of helping people and would get good run on tik tok.

Im surprised they didnt add liability for drivers that bring potentially ineligible voters to the polls. Maybe part of the next round of legislation.

Then they will make driving people to the polls a felony.

Edit: ponied.

With a bounty enforcement mechanism like the Texas abortion bill?

yeah that thought crossed my mind

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Huh so there two kunce running for that seat. What are the odds.


didn’t dems already have a senator named mccloskey?

ha. mccaskill