2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Opposing a “teacher-centric view of education policy” just sounds like a euphemism for “make them teach CRT” or whatever.

Democratic policies don’t make instinctive sense because Democrats don’t build their brand with a strong narrative that runs counter to the Republican traditional narrative that is wrapped up in patriotism and the skewed view of history that concepts like CRT are meant to combat. In the short run, trying to shift the narrative is polarizing and leads to more division, but that fighting is a necessary stage on the way to a better place. It’s a hell of a struggle to teach people that libertarianism and American exceptionalism are bad, but it’s a war we need to fight.

There is one very easy to understand, very popular (and true!) message: rich assholes are buying elections and fucking you over. Wonder why they don’t try it.


It doesn’t matter because it hasn’t worked.

Gas prices are rising; supply chains are still fucked. “Harris hit pieces” are a non-factor.

I’m not saying Biden has a magic bullet, but people are going to vote based on how 2021 and 2022 are going for them.

Voters need to be able to say “My life is better now than it was during the Trump years, and the trajectory of this country is moving in a positive direction”. Many, many people cannot say this right now.

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Going to lol at a lol Third Way focus group

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Well we do have to give Third Way credit for finding remarkably consistent results across all these focus groups.


Hopefully he will be in charge of the next pandemic. Who needs all this controversy about vaccines when green tea supplements are available from his website for just $19.99 per month? Go to doctoroz.usa.gov and order yours today!


Cardiothoracic personality and television surgeon also works.

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So fucked. They’re not even going to have to steal elections, they’re just going to win.


Is it really a win to draw crazy gerrymandered maps and then “win” the election?

really not looking forward to the senate becoming as batshit crazy as the house, and the house is only going to get crazier but this was in the long run the biggest problem with trump winning every kook celeb realized they can win

6-2 from 5-3, +1 Rep.

538 doesn’t have me freaking out yet:

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Do you get to exercise power to further your goals? If so then yeah you won. If you never exercise power (cough DemEs cough) the you lost no matter what the numbers say.



Will lose by 5+ points.

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i trust my gurl stacey

She will probably drag down Warnock (who was probably going to lose anyway, but now certainly will) with her, too. Just a terrible decision.