2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I am for this if he wears a fake mustache and runs as Ernie Landers.


Hi diddly ho neighbors


Jfc. We suck so much they are going to win the MJ users


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It doesn’t seem like the Rs are that close to making this a reality (it’s a big jump from a few House Reps proposing something to having something be implemented nationally) but it would be classic Republican coalition building. Instead of insisting that all marijuana users be Pure Of Heart on all political matters, they’ll go to weakly engaged white marijuana users and say “you can have your weed if we can have our low taxes and racism, deal?”. The relatively apolitical white marijuana users are going to give the thumbs up on this because the Dems are counteroffering with difficult to explain technocratic mumbo jumbo about the oversight roles of the FDA and the ATF. I guess the good news is that apolitical marijuana users are maybe not that likely to get out and vote, but I would guess that if the legalization “debate” picks up and traction then at least 5% of them get snagged on deplorable ideas about white supremacy and become politically active.

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I’m fairly certain there is rather recent research that supports the idea that being outside and moving helps us think and focus. Humans didn’t evolve sitting still and staring at one thing for hours. We were hunter-gatherers and we we constantly out in nature moving to survive.

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Ugh. Welch is an improvement over Leahy, but he’s 74 goddamn years old.

Maybe we can dig up the grave of Robert Stafford or George Aiken to run for Welch’s house seat.

dunno if a guy who thinks the GOP is gonna spend a ton of money in vermont is an upgrade over anyone.

ie, if the GOP is trying to win a state wide national seat in vermont they aren’t going to give a shit about it really. The constitutional convention will be soon.


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I agree with most of this. The problem is the boomer assholes in charge think it all means Democrats need to run as GOP lite, which is exactly wrong.

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Cliff notes: swing voters are idiots



Huh? Nothing in the analysis is surprising or unreasonable in the slightest.

They thought Democrats are only focused on equality and fairness and not on helping people. None of these Biden voters associated our party with helping working people, the middle class, or people like them. They thought we were more focused on breaking down social barriers facing marginalized groups. They were all for helping marginalized groups, but the fact that they couldn’t point to anything we are doing to help them was deeply concerning.

Boy, these wacky voters get some crazy ideas in their heads.


Several of the points made in this summary are identical to what has been talked about here for a long time:

  1. Have accomplishments (“Not Trump” doesn’t count)
  2. Accomplishments better directly help your voters
  3. Let people know about accomplishments

Don’t underestimate the power of a positive message that speaks to people’s every day lives. This may be an obvious point, but Glenn Youngkin tapped into a major issue (rising prices of meat + other groceries) and proposed a solution (ending the grocery tax) that showed he got the problem. They also mentioned Youngkin wanting to increase funding in schools and give parents more of a say in their education.

Jesus, no wonder this guy won. If Democrats did this it would be like, please go to this website to choose which grocery-taxation package you would like to apply to you, however first please provide proof that your household income is under $120,000 and that you have household assets of less than $500,000, family home excluded unless said home is valued at over $1,000,000 by a property assessor.


it’s always more simple than we think it is cause we’re paying attention and they only see the glimpses. ie, biden has tried to lower gas prices, he’s tried to help with the supply crunches. It doesn’t matter cause it’s barely if at all reported versus Harris hit pieces.

and dems definitely lost a lot of votes because of the school closings, people want the kids in schools, they don’t care if they get sick.


1 and 2 mean absolutely nothing without 3, and 3 doesn’t mean much either.

Simple message about here’s problem everyone sees and we’ll fix it by this is what they gotta do.

They will not.

It’s impossible to underestimate the effect of the media here. It’s a rigged game.


Matty’s takes on teachers are pure shit even if they are representative of our degenerative society. Fact is there was a teacher shortage before the pandemic and it’s at a breaking point now. You get tired of taking care of your kids? Imagine 20+ of them! Heavily built into our society that teachers get “paid” partly in the satisfaction of service. But if you are going to shit on them? Fuck that, take care of your own kids!


Husband of a teacher


dunno, at this point barely anyone pays attention to say CNN. Far more people get their politics on like Joe Rogan vs CNN/MSNBC combined now.

people love gossip more than accomplishments so they’re gonna get the gossip