2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Just accounting at this point, but Ciattarelli finally conceding today in NJ.

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Mandel isnā€™t authentic at all either if you actually watch/listen to him. Heā€™s fake as can be
But heā€™s much more willing to constantly mash the GOP culture war hits.

heā€™s authentically dumber than vance, though, which is enough


Yea Mandel is absolutely winning ainec. I was just saying Lebron is basically equal to Hillary in deplorables eyes now, even in Ohio.


Republicans at .8 to take back the house on predictit is the very definition of free money

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Rā€™s per various state house/senate are pretty free at 60 too with these numbers.

Got to get the supply chains/inflation under control, still lose the house/senate but everything is currently projected as a bloodbath. That and keep the kids in school, risk is low and parents donā€™t want the brats at home anymore.

Who could have possibly seen it coming. Damn progressives.


My loser congresswoman (who faked vandalism at her house and blamed ANTIFA after painting an anarchist logo on her own sidewalk) has done nothing to check Trump including voting against impeachment. He put this out shitting on her lololol fuck off Nancy

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Given how gerrymandered everything is I canā€™t even imagine what an R+10 result nationally looks like.

Itā€™s going to be a bloodbath. GOP turnout will be sky high and fuck if I know how Democrats plan on turning out their voters after this train wreck.

Beto in:

Calf status: cramping :hot_face:

Good riddance. I hope all the Trump judges he helped Cocaine Mitch appoint throw him a sweet retirement party though.

Hot take: Vermont is going to elect a republican senator in 2022.


My edit is an equivalent statement. Literally no one else has a chance.

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Leahy is the only Democratic Senator in the history of Vermont.

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The more I think about it, the more I donā€™t think Phil Scott will run (at least not as a Republican).

Heā€™s got a sweet gig right now as a popular governor. Heā€™d be despised here if he went to go be Mitchā€™s foot soldier.

Only way I see him running is as an independent who caucuses with Democrats.

bernie should run for the other VT seat and hold BOTH BELTS SIMULTANEOUSLY