2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

She seems awesome! How badly is she going to lose to the gun wielding psychopath? 60-40?

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Yeah itā€™s problem. Making music is still probably my best escape from it because it requires 100% attention at all times. Drawing / painting fill that gap too but is more relaxing and doesnā€™t require my brain to be fully on. Even things like working out I start to get bored and will wander off to check my phone or something. Weā€™re not far off from all living generations being in that mode.

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I grew up reading and doing all the good stuff as a kid. But then cable TV fried my brain starting around age 13. Iā€™d spend hours just flipping channels every few seconds, land on something interesting, watch till commercial, start flipping again.

I always said you could tell the kids who grew up with vs. without cable in college. The non-cable kids could focus a lot better, but were bad at multi-tasking.

Dude I look at my phone and check this site and shit when I walk around the warehouse. Itā€™s all bad.


Message boards and social media have replaced churches and religion. (Iā€™m not saying we all need to go to church but the people who do provide balance)

I long for the days when reading was the single most fun thing you could do. I still remember the smell of erasers being a fetish. A book fair would make it hard for me to sleep.

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I think this is why I think so much more clearly on walks. When the weather is nice I take the dog for a walk on the trail by my house before work for about 45 minutes, and by the time Iā€™m back Iā€™ve got about 3 good ideas for work and I rush to get them acted on before Iā€™m back to clicking around the dozens of stimuli Iā€™ve got going at my workstation. I probably get 80% of my productivity achieved daily on that 45 minutes of thinking plus an hour of work.

I flyfish for the same reason. Itā€™s one of the few things I do that requires most of my physical focus when Iā€™m out there, though it does allow for a lot of ā€œbrainā€ time for thinking and reflecting.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve had an original thought outside of my shower in 10 years


you can still go to book fairs. those are still a thing

Sometimes I bring a stool into my shower with a beer and just sit and think. Weird? Probably. Donā€™t care itā€™s relaxing.


Friday morning after Billy night 1 I stumbled into the basement shower at my friendsā€™ house hungover af and it had a seat. Exactly what I needed!


Yeah same here. I walk 20-30 miles/week. But I do spend a lot of that listening to Chiefs podcasts, which doesnā€™t exactly stimulate my brain.

But I can tell my brain just craves getting out of the house and off the internet. I have to do it once a day, even if itā€™s just a short walk on the beach.

Counterpoint : The world is shit because nice people pander far too much to loonies.

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Dems finally get a win, but of course it has nothing to do with anything they actually did



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He didnā€™t get ratioed. So heā€™ll probably win.

JD is such a piece of shit. So glad Chapo excoriated his ass.

The Ohio deplorables have fully turned on Lebron. That tweet will help him in the primary, or atleast wonā€™t hurt him.

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Iā€™m seeing constant Mandel ads that are just clips of JD Vance telling everyone heā€™s an anti-Trumper. This seems like it ought to be a blowout.

Vance is going nowhere.

Sure, heā€™d win a general election, but he ainā€™t getting that far. Mandel is a much more authentic deplorable.

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