2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?



we need his laptop


Lock him up!

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On my phone, on the home page of my Google browser Iā€™m almost scared to even look b/c it recommends articles for me based on my interests and like 90% of the time, itā€™s something super interesting for me, but ultimately kinda useless and a major time drain. Itā€™s scary how good these algos are at predicting your interests.


Heā€™s probably turned a few raises down to not get forced into a higher bracket and now these damn Dems are going to ruin it.


found Squidward



thatā€™s gonna be tougher than beating ted cruz which he didnā€™t do

Oā€™Rourke, meanwhile, has a well-defined ā€” and negative ā€” image with voters. Only 35% of respondents said they have a favorable opinion of him, while 50% registered an unfavorable opinion

In other words youā€™re going to lose by 10, because 50% minimum voters are republicans

I donā€™t get it, he has to know heā€™s not winning at this point. Biden is like -20 approval in texas right now

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Beto needs to move to New Mexico. El Paso is not too far from NM. He can just move a few miles west and profit.

Beto is not ruthless enough and has bad political instincts. I think heā€™s done here but I could be wrong. His previous comments on guns are all anyone remembers.

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Yep, I mean hard to say any Texas Democrat would have a chance in governor race.

But it is really sad that Beto will be buried after his (obviously correct) antigun statements after that El Paso mass shooting

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He might have some highly paid consultants, with PowerPoint slides and everything, telling him otherwise. Like, why wouldnā€™t they?

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Leaked questions for potential democratic candidates

  1. How much money can you raise?
  2. What commission % do you pay for ads etc?
  3. Seriously how much money?
  4. Do you have an insanely wealthy half mad uncle for example?

Dot dot dot

  1. Do you have any chance of winning?
  2. How much of a chance?

I absolutely agree and should have qualified my statement more. His gun take was spot on, but many Texans worship at the 2A altar. Also, he miscalculated when he sat out of the Cornyn senate race. That race was so teed up for him to win. . .Huge blunder, imo.

He absolutely fucked up massively when he was desperate in the presidential race and went with " weā€™re taking your guns "

Honestly just super dumb. Not just in Texas. A good chunk of liberals are gun owners too. Saying youā€™re going to take your guns without asking questions is political suicide, especially in TX

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right we all thought his leroy jenkins moment when he said that meant he wasnā€™t gonna do politics in texas anymore



I think this hypothesis is worth investigating.



Thereā€™s probably an article out there that says ā€œDems flipped 41 seats in George. Hereā€™s why thatā€™s bad news for Joe Biden.ā€


This is my district. Gut tells me itā€™s hopeless but this seems like a strong candidate.
