2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

The problem is that the media absolutely love caucuses. Salt of the Earth white Iowans getting together in some high school gym to politely discuss politics is peak West Wing Norman Rockwell bullshit and it makes for great TV for CNN. It’s a dumb system that rewards partisans and people who are willing to dick around for hours, it’s no wonder fringe candidates do well.

From the memes thread from the last presidential


I don’t have particularly strong feelings about the primary schedule, but it would be peak Dem to spend months arguing about the schedule, get tons of the most engaged people spun up about the virtues of SC vs GA vs Mich, FINALLY come up with a schedule that everyone is mostly ok with… and the the NH Secretary of State Messrs it all up by moving the NH primary back to the front of the line b/c of the state law that says it has to go first.

socialists do best in caucuses so that’s a take I didn’t expect anyone here to have

Iowa isn’t first anymore, that’s over , gonna be South Carolina now

Right, that would’ve been Walker into 2028.

on the bright side, Georgia isn’t defended again until 2026. Shouldn’t be a sweat by then if demographic trends continue, (outside if everything went to shit by then of course).

I mean, caucuses are basically ranked choice voting with added yelling and attempts at persuasion. NV did it right, I think. If you insist on having caucuses, at least have an early ranked choice voting system in place, so people who can’t stand around for 6 hours can still participate.

i thought you were from wisconsin

ranked choice is of course better, but if there is any caucus semblance to RC (the yelling part kinda makes it undemocratic for me, although others think the opposite) is completely negated by the fact a 6 hour caucus is impossible to attend for a majority.

WA state has both primary voting and a non-binding caucus. yeah socialists win in the caucus more often, and lose by 40 on the ballot. lol. learn to socialism better, rather than ramming some virtual unknown wannabe through based on a label of their own choosing

thank the heavens for that. i don’t expect iowa to switch any time soon, but maybe it’s the push they need

The establishment of both parties love them too. The consultants and campaign Pros all know the terrain and have relationships with all the relevant locals.



i ain’t even mad at rick scott and trmp embezzling tens of millions from the midterms

well to be fair to them anyone willing to look the other way is a good quality candidate

Don’t get cocky!




first though: the margins are going to be very thin for awhile. so yes i’m sure there are pacs that have already been planning a candidate to beat ossoff.

and then i saw its rove. lol. what could have been if only the dem party was centered around pwning cryptonazis like him, the way maga is centered around pwning the libs.

The new term has started in California, and the reign of San Francisco is coming to a close.

May I present our state’s new Legislative seat of power:




and while this one hurts a lot, I’ll include it:

Look out, Sacramento, I suspect our next Governor will be from here, as well. She’s mentioned in this post


go fuck yourself, san diego


It means “whale’s vagina” in German, you know.

Been freezing lately! Had to wear a longsleeve shirt today walking the dog.