2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

I got to tell an alleged independent today that Herschel Walker should be sterilized to keep his dumb genes out of the gene pool when he asked what the table thought about Walker. I don’t think he appreciated that answer, but he couldn’t react emotionally if he wanted to keep up the pretense that he was rational.


What an awful tweet.
Democrats win when voter turnout is huge so they shouldn’t care about laws that reduce turnout?


Oh wow, I was checking in sporadically and noped out in disgust when I saw Walker ahead by ~1500 votes with 88% counted or something.

Glad it worked out. Now the House clowns around and obstructs everything for the next 2 years and Dems cruise to victory in '24, right? RIGHT?

The thesis is that with educated and wealthier people and thus regular voters increasingly voting Democratic, Dems do better when turnout is low.

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What the fuck do I have to do to get you in that “Ashli Deserved it” t-shirt at the table?

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Get in, loser!


Nah, urban voters are still massively dem and that’s where all the suppression happens. I can’t imagine waiting hours to vote. I live in a small town and don’t vote by mail because it’s so damn easy to vote here. In the midterms I think it was 15 minutes between leaving my house, voting, and getting back home.

Any Republican senators in states with Democrat governors who can appoint Democratic senators should one of them croak?

Just wondering what the odds of being able to abolish the filibuster/ expand the Supreme Court is in the next two years.

0 because the Rs control the House and you need legislation to pass both chambers to do something like expand SCOTUS. Also no point in abolishing the filibuster because of that as well.

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Waiting hours to vote is absurd in a first-world country, I’ve lived in a couple of different states and it’s never been more than 15 min or so.

Pretty sure GA could fix this with a fraction of what they spend on police overtime.

Duh. The cruelty is the point.

I was in and out of my voting location yesterday in maybe 20 minutes, but it shouldn’t have even been that long.

The way it works here in Georgia (I assume it’s all of Georgia, not just my county) is that you first get handed a small slip of paper to basically just write your name and address on. Then you take it to someone who verifies your ID. They do some stuff with a tablet, you look to be sure what they see is correct, then you sign the screen and they give you the card to put in the voting machine.

At that point, you go to the kiosk to vote. The machine prints out a completed ballot that you then take to another machine to scan (DOMINION!).

My location wasn’t extremely busy, but there was a massive bottleneck because there were only a maximum of three poll workers manning the tablets to verify IDs and give us our voting key cards. I say max because there were only two when I got there. There also weren’t many voting kiosks, but it didn’t matter because of the bottleneck before that.

And this is in East Cobb. I can’t imagine what it’s like in Atlanta proper. My polling location is normally really fast, mainly because it’s not busy. This was the longest wait I’ve had besides presidential election days, when it’s been an hour.

Early voting wait times are usually pretty long because there are so few locations. My wife took an hour-plus last week, which is why I waited for yesterday, knowing my normal polling place was usually fine. I had a good experience this year during the general doing early voting, only about 15 minutes in and out because they had a lot of poll workers.


that’s why i think worst voting system of all is done by a caucus, where people voluntarily sit there for hours to vote repeatedly for a primary candidate. iowa is always glamorized on tv as first primary votes cast, etc. but it’s literally worse than standing in line for an hour


Not sure if it’s being discussed in the dems thread but hopefully these fucking iowa caucuses are donezo.

I assume a lot of these voters are full in on the “Democrats are evil and will destroy our economy and teach our kids CRT making them hate white people and turn them into transgender cats” or whatever the bullshit of the day is. So they can rationalize voting for even the most insane R over a sensible D.

The flipside may someday be true, and I’m honestly not sure what I’d do. While Dems don’t usually run completely insane candidates like Walker, you don’t have to look too far to find creepy old men embroiled in sex scandals and I may at some point have to weight the decision to vote for a possible rapist who will at least govern the way I want vs. someone who will do some horrible shit while in office. It sucks. We need ranked choice voting. It’s not perfect but it solves a lot of problems.

wow this is a insanely bad take

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Well, at least it provided some highlights like the lady who caucased for Pete and then flipped when she found out he was gay.

Such information, much knowledge.


I am certainly happy that Warnock won, but that is very tempered by how close it was. They really almost got Herschel Walker through.

not to mention the fact that we still don’t really know who even won the iowa caucus! seems bad!