2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

It was 39 in Los Angeles this AM!


She means you, you bastards.


I think this is my favorite gif of all time. Don’t really know why - it just scratches me right where I itch.

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GOP turnout beat Dem turnout in Clark County by 10 points, 9 points statewide, and they won the gubernatorial election but got smashed downballot because their candidates suck.


Their candidates suck! …true, but…
But lots of GOP voters really love these shitty candidates. That’s why anything’s even close.
jfc, just look at Warnock/Walker.

I’m terrified for the day the GOP doesn’t run complete nutjobs.


Walker underperformed Kemp by 200k votes that means roughly 1 out of 10 Rs who showed up to vote for kemp didn’t vote for Walker. If Rs had run any normal sane candidate they would have crushed.

Thankfully the next time they get a do over on the seat it’ll be 2028. I like our odds of keeping it.

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Their candidates are getting worse not better, so I don’t think this will just magically happen without a huge shift in the party. Pretty much every new Senate candidate was terrible and it wasn’t just random luck.

It’s this. What wins a GOP primary and what wins a semi competitive general election don’t have much overlap anymore.

I’m not sure we can say this yet. There may be a shift after the beating a lot of the terrible candidates took in winnable races.

I’ll agree if this happens again in 2024. We’ll see who is the R candidate in places like AZ, PA, MI, VA and a fuckton of other states because JFC that map is horrible.

Leadership can understand this, but the people are told all day that liberal elites are drinking their babies blood or whatever. The downside of a media ecosystem devoted to whipping your base into perpetual frenzy: the ones who nod to their insanity win.

I mean look at Kemp himself. People often overlook how much of a batshit MAGA he was perceived to be in 2018. One reading of his 2022 election is that he pivoted successfully away from that persona.

right, GOP got high on their own supply. They got all the whackjobs winning gerrymandered house seats and thought “yeah let’s do that in senate races too”

it’s not exactly riveting, but other masochists can livestream Day 2 of the Kari Lake lawsuit here:

Stream froze here for me. Took me several seconds to realize it.

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I really like the how the writers worked in G. Gordon Liddy’s son, and then put him on our side. Brilliant.