2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Obama campaigning for Warnock

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Wow, he’s aged. It’s only been 6 years.


That’s way too low. March 16-March 17 of 2020 alone was 6 years.

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This is so ridiculous. I live in Los Angeles. We have a few people here. I’ve never had to wait more than 10 minutes to vote. All but once there was no line - I got my ballot and just walked up to a machine. It’s not that freaking hard.

He was already looking pretty old during his last days in office. That tenure aged the crap out of him.

Google photos just sent me a photo from 6 years ago. I had hiked up Yosemite Falls. Plenty of snow at the top. I do not recognize the guy who did that. 6 years can be a long time at a certain age.


Tell me about it. I just used “Cashflow” when I meant to say “Coffee Talk” in a meeting and doing body weight squats are a challenge.

One of my more treasured memories of the last few years was betting my MIL $100 she couldn’t do a full body weight squat with her arms above her head without falling over.


Meaning she’s doing a squat holding a ~120 lb barbell over her head? Is she some kind of athlete?

Pretty sure he just means squatting down with no extra weight. For someone untrained without a ton of flexibility, doing it with arms overhead means they’re gonna fall hilariously on their face.

Ah. I just tried - I can do it but my arms want to bend just a little forward.

Overhead squats with an actual barbell are a great way to test/work on shoulder flexibility, gotta go super light though (like <95lb). Doing it with just the empty bar is enough of a challenge to start.

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I wasn’t aware of this one before where he tells the crowd he has a doctorate. It’s a secret though, bet you haven’t heard.


This asshole would wear a Cassius Clay shirt wouldn’t he?

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Obviously everyone knows this. But they want it to be hard. It’s better for them that way. Making it hard (when it doesn’t need to be) is precisely the point…

Herschel really shines when discussing legislative maneuvering in the House


this is information that could have been brought voters’ attention 2 MONTHS AGO!!

Whatever this speaking appearance was it provided some quality sound bites

