2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?




Really hope this is true


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As Arizona SoS, Katie Hobbs is suing them. I assume she’ll win and as funny as this would be, it won’t happen.

Yes, but under the doctrine of fuck around and find out, id say its fair game

Recall that in Wayne county MI they have a 2-2 BoE and we needed a Republican to vote to certify in 2020 to avoid this scenario.

Yeah there’s nothing MAGA heads want more than to lose a seat in the House from some BS like this. It establishes precedent. They can point to it and say they aren’t picking winners and losers.

Bad bad bad.

Just more velociraptors testing the fences.

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this little trick as precedent is exactly what the gop operatives would deploy if it was expedient for elections. seems primed for corruption

There’s no way this goes down this way and courts don’t intervene.



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It would be stunning if Herschel Walker wasn’t violent and abusive toward his partners.

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My friends and I have all waited a long time to vote (Fulton and DeKalb for the most part). My line was only 30 minutes but it was in the wind and cold. My normal early voting spot was closed as well (in a 90%+ blue area, College Park).

An underrated aspect of the voter suppression was that limiting the early vote to one week would lead to massive lines in blue areas. It’ll be interesting to see what the impact is, but it could easily ship the seat to Walker.


Those are just some of the jaw-dropping details.

At no point did my jaw leave my face.

Clown show is over.


Those fuckers are never going to stop trying. They have the luxury of knowing their worst case scenario is the status quo, with zero repercussions ever for trying to destroy democracy.

We on the other hand have to win every single time.

My guess is those particular two won’t be doing this again. The one lady seemed embarrassed. The other guy didn’t even show. The country attorney wouldn’t defend them and said they were acting illegally. The guy they hired to represent them couldn’t get to court in time to say he was their lawyer.

They very likely find replacement clowns, true.

My friend’s pic from DeKalb County at 7:05am this morning, 40 degrees.

