2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Love it. Pittsburgh and Cleveland wipe out WV.

House should be AT LEAST 10x current size. In my ideal universe there are 10x as many districts and beach district has multiple reps which are proportionally allocated. Gerrymandering would be mostly neutered.

The problem with the idea of uncapping the house, even if Democrats were fully in power and knew it would help them going forward, is that it would require House members to basically vote to dilute their own power. So it’s a complete non-starter.

So I get the benefit of disassociating from Boston, but I have to join southern Connecticut? Pass.

i do think representation reform is needed, but it’s not a silver bullet. conservatives just hate it because they will have to work much harder. in current form they can get away with a minority, but with proportional representation they might have to brainwash 55-60% of the population to go full-fuhrer.

Just gotta get 27 more states to ratify this amendment and we’ll be up to a House of 6000+: Congressional Apportionment Amendment - Wikipedia

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How does Portland not fall in with Rainier?

9 days ago…


The top 3 blue counties are on this list. Georgia has 159 counties.


I didn’t understand how SCOTUS was relevant in this case. Just figured people were expressing general frustration.

Well, let’s not forget to give credit where it was due:


All fair, except what saved the dems was Raffensberger not pursuing an appeal. He really is the least bad republican.


Less crime after midterms, everyone’s all crimed out


Half the crime in America is voter fraud!


And rampant antifa death squads that appear around election time


Well, duh, voters voted in a Repub house. Criminals got the message that their reign of terror is over.


“Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid.’ By the way, on November 4, you won’t hear about it anymore”

I don’t have any priors for turnout for the GA runoff. In Jan 2021, 4.5 million people voted in Warnock/Loeffler. There are people on social media applauding the RECORD one-day early vote turnout yesterday of ~300k, which brought us to ~500k overall.

The problem is there are now exactly four more days of early voting (counting today), and then election day. Also, mail vote will be way down due to the compressed timeline. The early voting lines in metro ATL have been pretty terrible (60-180 min).

Took my wife about an hour in East Cobb.


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