2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

It helped that the GOP nominated terrible candidates. I know conservatives who were ok with Oz but wouldn’t vote for Mastriano, and who thought Mastriano was great but Oz was a phony and didn’t vote for him.

Shapiro and Fetterman were very good candidates, too.

Was Shapiro a better candidate than Fetterman?

Masriano was a worse candidate than Oz.


Ok, but that dog is walking him.


I’d like a comparison of the Dems as candidates, ignoring their opposition.

That’s hard because Fetterman had a stroke and it’s hard to objectively state how that impacted his candidacy. Fetterman before the stroke was probably a better candidate than Shapiro.

IMO it went Healthy Fetterman > Shapiro >>> Fetterman After His Stroke >>>>>>>> Oz >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mastriano


Maybe I should have stated my question as who wins by a bigger margin against Oz, Shapiro or a fully healthy Fetterman? And why?

If you had to pick one as a future presidential candidate based solely on electability and ignoring policy differences or ability to govern or the need to retain their current posts, while assuming a full recovery for Fetterman, who do you pick?

It’s a beagle or beagle cross following its nose. Not every breed walks well on leash regardless of how much training you do.


I think their politics are very similar. Shapiro has the wonky nerdy Everyman thing going for him, Fetterman has the working class Everyman thing going for him, but healthy Fetterman is more charismatic. Close call imo, but probably healthy Fetterman.

Not sure how widespread this view of Fetterman’s appeal is:

Right, if Fetterman ran for Gov and Shapiro for Senate, what would the margins have looked like? Mastriano probably goes harder at Fetterman for the stroke. I think Oz both pulled his punches here a bit because he has some shred of humanity buried under the huckster that Mastriano doesn’t have, and Oz attacking someone for a medical condition is always going to land differently because he’s a doctor.

So in this sense, Shapiro probably is better but only due to a black swan event.

Lol Kari Lake and her lawyers


(Not sure why no embed :rage:)

“Leaked call shows clash between Kari Lake campaign and Maricopa County“

WaPo links won’t embed.

A lot going on in that article, but learning that Maricopa’s attorney is the son of G. Gordon Liddy was prettay prettay good.


And he’s the guy keeping the wackos at bay!


Yeah, god damn where is the heel training?

Wtf with this mike pence media blitz

Who does he think is gonna vote for him in a GOP primary

lol. lmao



Just totally delusional

They can split the never-Trumper vote and keep those votes from DeSantis.

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I’ve got the count at 4 votes that they’re keeping from Ronnie. 8 if you assume their spouses are also voting for them which for some of them seems far from a lock.