2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Been reading the hopium thread too much, I read this at first as “called on Lauren Boebert to concede the race” and got excited that something unexpected had dropped. Damn.

This poorly written tweet had me thinking he was asking Boebert to concede to him.


CA district 3 still at 61%. On pace to finish counting sometime in 2024.

I assume an immediate appeal is on the way.


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Lol there is like 1% chance the SCOTUS let’s this happen.

Anxiously awaiting the “lol Purcell Principle, you can’t do that!” ruling from SCOTUS even though it would make 0 sense.

I don’t know Elias and team have the track record with all the election BS going on over the last few years. I would bet it stays

I have a feeling that it stays too, but for different reasons. They’re fixing to do a lot of heinous shit in the coming years, no need to catch extra heat for an election they are going to lose anyway.

I know there’s no real threat of getting more justices or doing anything else to check Thomas, et al. Nevertheless, if you’re going to make a bullshit decision, might as well make one that counts.

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Snap take the under.

If they’re smart they’ll let this one go because Warnock’s gonna win anyway. Then they can save the real Fuckery for contested races.

Interestingly, talk to text knows the word Fuckery, but insists on capitalizing it.


Sir Fuckery.


It all depends on context. There’s fuckery, and there’s Fuckery. When this Supreme Court is involved, it’s Fuckery.



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What happens in some 0.5% chance that the recount overturns the result?

A concession isn’t binding.


The concession is just a nicety, as far as I know. It’s like saying “gg.”

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I guarantee Boebert is stupid enough to treat the concession as ironclad.

And eDems wanted…Conor Lamb. Fuck off.



And that’s after a stroke and not being able to do his normal campaign strategy. Dudes gonna be a great senator for a long time!


PA really swung from “maybe flirting with becoming a red state in 2016” to “Over it, back to blue” pretty quickly.

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