2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?


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CA district 3 was at 60% counted yesterday. What in the actual fuck are they doing?

Dunno, but somebody called it. If im not mistaken thats the district that tipped the reds into 218

In some places, the procedure is to verify all signatures on ballot envelopes first. Once all signatures are verified, then they remove the ballots from the envelopes. Once they have all ballots out of the envelopes, then they run the ballots through the machine.

They probably handle the ballots like I handle my mail. All jumbled in a pile on the kitchen table, untouched for a week. Also some mail is on the dining room table.




A dozen

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Not pictured - a few hundred thousand ardent Kari Lake supporters who would have been more than happy to see her steal the 2024 election, but now have no memory of ever having supported Kari Lake.

Lake has been cranking out tweets with voters who are unhappy for one reason or another about what they saw at the polls. She also got in trouble for this video:



Well not real trouble but I think she did delete her own tweet containing the video.


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yeah that’s not trouble. she deleted the video, and now liberals are sending the video around, essentially promoting it for free while relieving her of liability

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It seems that Kari Lake believes that standing in long lines and having to drive around town to vote is a form of voter suppression, which, worstpersonyouknow.jpg


Liberals sharing it doesn’t help her. Though perhaps it had already served its purpose. Stick and move, like Ali.

lots of rwnj who hadn’t seen it the first time, are now reading it under someone else’s repost.

Some. But not a lot of rwnj are following Filipkowski. A second order effect. Negligible. I had to search for it when I couldn’t find it among her tweets anymore.

we can just agree to disagree on this. it is reminiscent to me of how trmp’s star of david tweet went in '16. all the outrage only increased the twet’s reach

Literally reality stealing ideas from veep.

That’s fine. No way to know for sure the net effect. I would note this is a clip out of the original video, which I think was over 2 minutes.

Never watched that. :man_shrugging: