2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?


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As melk said and you said, past stuff I’m sure figures and he’s still a centrist figure of a centrist corporatist party that isn’t exactly rushing to change society in a way I/they like. I’ll admit he’s outperformed my expectations (at least in 2022).


Even on the most “extreme” subreddits lefties do not hate Biden cmon. TBH the fact that PI has 2024 55% red 47% blue is pretty nuts for right now, by far the most likely thing that happens is Biden beats Trump again handily and probably the exact same states.

If its Biden vs DeSantis why would anyone change their vote? DeSantis has a quarter of the “personality” of TFG, shortish, chubby, high pitched voice, and has nothing to vote for beyond owning the libs and running on owning the libs didn’t seem to work for the last 3 elections. IDK bookmark this and laugh at me in 2 years.


Regarding the idea of finding out on election day.

I dont know canada. But I can talk about how the UK and Australian systems work. Which are similar to canada.

On election day. You do a fast count of 90% plus of votes in each electorate.

In the majority of cases. That gives you a clear enough idea to answer “who will win the majority of seats in parliament” which means you know who is going to be prime minister.

So normally 4 or 5 hours after the election closes. You have the answer of who wins. This allows you to get on with governing. (And typically. The new PM takes over pretty much instantly)

We then go back and count all the votes properly.

This means that on occasion, particular seats, or the Senate in Australia (lol UK unelected house of lords) wont be known for a couple of weeks, but that doesn’t matter for the business of running he government.


I mean I just don’t see these subreddits/other online communities not hating on Biden. I’m sure some will vote for him if you’re implying they hate enough to not vote. Like he cops a lot of hate in this site which, imo, is a centre left majority. In terms of people I speak to, many non Americans, they virtually all hate Biden, but again would probably hate every prominent American political figure.

Generally agree but I feel like the age difference between Biden vs Desantis is a big factor. “86 year old people shouldn’t be president” is probably a pretty popular political opinion.

<——- the Hopium thread is over there


I don’t want to delve to deep into the psyche of swing voters but my main concern is that he’s not Trump and not 80 years old might be enough.


They’re taking it well over at Chiefs Planet

Lolol this response

Delusional moron sighting…

What you call stolen elections is America trying to tell your vile traitorous ilk to crawl back under your rock. But you’re too ****ing stupid to realize just how much of an ignorant twat you truly are.


So much infighting over there.


My former rep. Lol Biggs. If he hadn’t won that sweepstakes he’d be nobody.

He’s a winner! It’s very Mormonlike to try election fraud and an insurrection.





sinema’s absence helped in az.

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Yea there’s a decent chance that’s true. That’s not necessarily why she didn’t help, lol, but it’s probably true nonetheless


If Gallego doesn’t primary Sinema in '24 we are definitely losing that seat.

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Herschel Walker

This dude is my hero.

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