2022 Midterm Elections (Abandon hope all ye who enter here) butnahhh. or maybe?

Sure it’s possible but I think a lot of people underestimate how long we’ve been doing it and how incredibly popular it is. Lake will certainly try to push something through if she can.

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Except in AZ Hobbs led the entire time and her lead.got smaller as mail votes were counted.

Let’s be very precise here. Does Canada cure and count every last possible ballot on the day of the election? As in, overseas, provisional, mail, etc?

The r/conservative conspiracy theorists have accounted for this. They keep saying stuff like “mail voting almost always favors dems” or it’s “highly correlated with dems ultimately winning a close race”, the implication being that the Dems are like a smart Mike Postle and not cheating every single time to make it harder to detect.

The mental gymnastics are a sight to behold.

I don’t know. I just know we always know who won the day of the election.

Even in races with less than .5% margin?

In a moment of peak red state, Saturday early voting in Georgia will be barred for this runoff because November 26 is the day after Robert E Lee’s birthday.

Dead serious.


Here’s a pollster discussing it right now:


quoting this. but like, not an unreasonable read of how the dem party approached this election

Ok. If we take this voting and counting thing from first principles, I think we can make some fairly uncontroversial points.

  • ‘Election Day’ is really just a voting deadline date. It is the last day to go to a building and punch stuff into a kiosk or make sure your piece of paper inside a ballot gets to where it needs to go.

  • Because a lot of voting is now automatically tabulated by machines, you generally have a lot of information about the way races are going within several hours of the voting deadline. However, the data will tend to be insufficient to make a judgement in cases where:

  1. A substantial number of people vote with pieces of paper inside sealed envelopes (rather than kiosks) and they aren’t received until very near to the voting deadline.

  2. The method of voting itself becomes correlated to support for one party or another in ways that are dynamic and difficult to predict (i.e. you cannot just look at the electronic voting and just extrapolate).

  3. A particular race is very close (i.e. a difference of fewer than 1 vote in 100).

Without knowing anything about voting in Canada, I can assume that you are not facing these challenges.

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Agreed. My point in mentioning Canada is to illustrate how bad your system is designed. There is legitimately not a single part of the US electoral system one would adopt if designing a new system from scratch.

It’s perfectly bad.

I think we’re pretty much stuck with it until things get so bad that we all agree to throw the Constitution in the trash and write a new one.

The pundit revealed that the next time she saw Trump: 'He was actually rude to me.

‘I’m telling you this personal story because I think it is something that made me for the first time question me as a person.’


And the trolls will write it, so we are stuck.

Honest question - do lefties hate Biden? He got us out of Afghanistan, cut back on the drone program, at least trying to relieve some student debt. If lefties still hate him - is it past crimes basically?

Do you see a Bernie presidency unfolding substantially different than Biden’s first two years? If so how?

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u serious bro?

They think he is a shitlib e-dem. Some would rather not vote than pull the lever for him.

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Yes I’m curious. That’s why I asked.

I just think you could have skipped a step and gone with “Why do lefites hate Biden?”

